The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Science Highlights

Jumping a Hurdle in HIV Vaccine Design (Press release from The Scripps Research Institute)
A Newly Discovered Chemical Reaction in the Eye May Improve Vision (Case Western Reserve University press release)
A Potential Approach against Parasites (National Institutes of Health press release)
The Science of the Circadian Clock (University of California, Merced news item)
New Evidence for a Water-Rich History on Mars (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory news release)
Turning Up the Heat for Perfect (Nano)Diamonds (American Institute of Physics article)
A Best-Yet Cell Culture System for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (University of Alabama at Birmingham press release)
How LSD Attaches to a Brain-Cell Serotonin Receptor (University of North Carolina School of Medicine press release)
Melting a Solid Below the Freezing Point (Carnegie Institution of Science press release)