Dynamics & Structure

Ferroelectrics refer to materials with spontaneous electric polarization that can be switched by external electric fields. They are very similar to magnets but with electric instead of magnetic polari...
Some materials are like people. Let them relax in the sun for a little while and they perform a lot better. A collaboration carrying out research at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon S...
With help from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source, researchers revealed the mechanism for metal-like heat performance in polymers. The team’s results may spur the development o...
A university-national laboratory team of researchers has found a promising solution to those problems in a perovskite compound that actually expands under illumination, smoothing out defects in its cr...
Investigations at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source have demonstrated that a diiminol-based covalent organic framework can act as a rapid humidity sensor with an easily visible ...
5-ID-B,C,D, 8-ID-E
Printing Ultrathin 2-D Polymer Electronics: The relatively simple techniques demonstrated by the researchers in this study may lead to the mass production of inexpensive, ultrathin polymer films down...
Strong and Resilient Synthetic Tendons Produced from Hydrogels: Researchers who transformed a standard hydrogel into an artificial tendon with properties that meet and even surpass those of natural t...
Now, a group of researchers has used the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Photon Source to examine how 2-D lead iodide perovskites form in real time. They found a method to enhance the quality of ...
Grazing-Incidence X-rays Illuminate Solar Cell Film Formation Mechanisms: As the demand for solar cells grows, so does the demand for less expensive, more efficient, and more reliable materials to bu...
Stretchable Organic Transistors for Biomedical Applications: Scientists have succeeded in fabricating organic transistors that can be stretched to over twice their original length for thousands of cy...
Probing the Phase Dynamics of a Complex Oxide: Scientists using U.S. Department of Energy user facilities including the Advanced Photon Source have developed a technique that could be utilized for no...
8-ID-E, 12-BM-B
Probing the Phase Dynamics of a Complex Oxide: Scientists using the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source have shown how oxygen ions interact with a complex oxide, strontium cobalt oxi...
8-ID-E, 12-BM-B
So-called cooperative behavior, in which molecules in a crystal change their structure in concert with one another, is common in biological molecules and metals. Such behavior, however, is rare in mol...
Building organic electrochemical transistors in a new direction...
Metallic glasses are alloys that possess exceptional features which have led to the incorporation of MGs into many applications. Unfortunately, the disordered structure of MGs inevitably leads to thei...
Knowledge about colloidal gel formation and dissolution has implications for understanding the preparation and stability of many consumer goods such as milk and yogurt, and personal care products such...
Findings based on research at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source are critical to our understanding of nucleation and growth dynamics, which underlie the desired properties and us...
Slow Flow and Sudden Avalanches Relax Stress in Glasses: When familiar solids like metal, wood, or rubber are deformed, a consistent restoring force appears that pushes back against the deformation. R...
The upcoming APS Upgrade makes the need for high-frame-rate detectors especially acute because the tremendous gains in coherent flux will, in principle, increase the best time resolution of XPCS by 4 ...
Proteins of a Feather Come Together to Create Color: Biologists would like to understand how and why birds are brightly colored. Some materials scientists look to nature to find better ways to recrea...
Measuring Cartilage Dynamics at Nanoscale: Researchers used high brightness x-rays at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source to advance our understanding of cartilage dynamics and d...
Relaxing with Soft Materials: A team of investigators used the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source for their studies of the detailed microscopic dynamics of relaxation in a model sof...
8-ID-I, 9-ID-B,C
Structuring Liquids with Nanoparticle Assemblies: Assemblies of nanoparticles at the interface of two different liquids have potential for the creation of so-called structured liquids, which could be...
Probing the Diffusion of Active Viruses: Scientists using the research at the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science’s Advanced Photon Source have shown that advances in the synchrotron cohere...
Colloidal glasses are suspensions of small solid particles in a liquid. When placed under stress, they transition from a solid-like to fluid-like state. These properties make colloidal suspensions, in...

The Dynamics and Structure (DYS) group specializes in the study of the interplay between structure, kinetics and dynamics in soft and hard condensed matter. The group operates two independent insertion device based feature beamlines: 8-ID, with two experimental stations 8-ID-E and 8-ID-I, and 9-ID, with one experimental station 9-ID-D.


Station 8-ID-E at the APS-U feature beamline 8-ID-E,I  hosts the wide angle x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy program (WA-XPCS) that examines very low energy fluctuations in hard condensed matter. It is well suited for studies of metallic glasses, thin films, and novel materials such as complex oxides. The beamline detectors enable XPCS experiments up to 25 keV, and speeds up to 56 kHz.

Station 8-ID-E is currently being commissioned.

Beamline 8-ID-E specifications


Station 8-ID-I at the APS-U feature beamline 8-ID hosts the small angle XPCS program that examines very low energy fluctuations in hierarchically ordered soft materials such as polymer nanocomposites and glassy colloidal suspensions. Temperature and sample composition are traditional independent variables but considerable flexibility is provided for user-supplied sample environments such as rheometers, strain cells and deposition chambers. High-gain, high-resolution increasingly fast area detectors are used for measuring the time series of speckle patterns. An efficient and user-friendly interface to APS high-performance computing (HPC) resources provides rapid data reduction. Work in this station is relevant to understanding the stability of novel forms of matter with ultimate application to the food and consumer products industries.

Beamline 8-ID-I is currently being commissioned.

Beamline 8-ID-I specifications


9-ID-D is the APS-U feature beamline dedicated to exploring materials at surfaces and interfaces with coherent x-ray scattering in grazing-incidence geometry. 9-ID-D hosts a program in Coherent Surface Scattering Imaging (CSSI), a new technique to determine the absolute structure of surfaces and interfaces. CSSI uses advanced phase retrieval algorithms to invert coherent scattering patterns and determine the structure of thin film materials. The technique relies on oversampling of the x-ray speckle pattern, enabled by the Grand Tube vacuum flight path, 2.75 m in diameter and 20 m long, with an in-vacuum Eiger 16M detector.

9-ID-D also hosts a program in nanoscale structure, kinetics and dynamics devoted to grazing incidence x-ray scattering (GIXS) measurements of the structure and processing kinetics of thin film materials. Measurements are made in both the wide-angle geometry (GIWAXS) (sensitive to molecular packing) and small-angle geometry (GISAXS) (sensitive to mesoscale ordering). A Pilatus 1M detector provides wide-angle time-resolved (> 10 ms) data collection, with the Eiger 16M capturing GISAXS data. A variety of sample environments are available for in situ measurements of films. Recent research at 8-ID-E is focused on correlating the structure of organic electronic thin films with performance parameters and probing defects in self-assembled block copolymers with applications to nanolithography.

Additionally, the in vacuum Eiger 16M detector enables grazing-incidence x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (GI-XPCS) measurements to probe the dynamics of thin film materials over timescales from 0.001 to 1000 seconds.

Beamline 9-ID-D is currently being commissioned.

Beamline 9-ID-D specifications