The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Science Highlights

A New Catalyst for Making Fuels from Shale Gas (Tufts University press release)
A Long-Sought Source of Ocean Methane (MIT press release)
The Multitasking Secrets of an RNA-binding Protein (The Princeton University blog entry)
First-Ever U.S. Experiments May Lead to Better Explosive Modeling (Los Alamos National Laboratory press release)
A Key Psychiatric Drug Target Comes Into Focus (University of California, San Francisco, press release)
A Navigational View of the Brain (Georgia Tech press release)
Transformation of Graphite into Hexagonal Diamond (Washington State University press release)
Crystals in a Pink X-ray Beam (DESY press release)
Proteins May Prevent Dysfunction and Disease by Relaxing (Notre Dame University and University of Chicago press releases)