Magnetic Devices (ASD-MD)

The primary mission of the Magnetic Devices (MD) Group is to innovate, develop, assess, and maintain magnetic devices at the upgraded Advanced Photon Source (APS), to ensure reliable machine operation and support the ongoing research and development efforts.

Main areas of work: 

  • Support the operation of accelerator magnets and insertion devices (IDs).
  • Maintain the cryomodule and cryoplant for the bunch lengthening system (BLS) and superconducting undulators (SCUs) .
  • Develop, design, build, measure, and tune hybrid permanent magnet undulators (HPMUs) based on beam-line user requirements.
  • Develop, design and measure electromagnetic devices for accelerators.
  • Develop, design, assemble, measure and tune SCUs for specific beam-lines.

In addition, we are actively innovating new technologies for future insertion devices to push the boundaries of X-ray brightness at APS. This includes research and development of small-gap and compact undulators, cryo-free small-gap superconducting undulators using high-temperature superconductors, and undulators for compact X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs).