The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Science Highlights

A New Way to See Proteins in Motion (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center press release)
Detailing the Molecular Roots of Alzheimer’s Disease (Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis press release)
How Your Body Transports Zinc to Protect Your Health (University of Virginia press release)
Unlocking a Liver Receptor Puzzle (Woodruff Health Sciences Center news release)
The Most Detailed Model of the Brain Receptor Behind Marijuana’s High (UT Southwestern Medical Center press release)
Targeting a New Enzyme to Advance the Treatment of Tuberculosis (John Hopkins University School of Medicine press release)
A New 3-D Design for Mobile Microbatteries (CNRS press release)
Solving the Structure of a Key DNA Replication Protein (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital press release)
Flipped Crystals May Aid Solar Cells (Rice University/Los Alamos National Laboratory press releases)
The Structure of a Hydrogen-Stuffed, Quartz-Like Form of Ice (Carnegie Institution of Washington press release)