The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Science Highlights

Solving the Structure of the Cell's DNA Gatekeeper (Caltech press release)
Taking Aim at Cancer Metastasis (University of Michigan press release)
A New Leukemia Drug (FDA press release)
A Radar Gun for Unruly Atoms (University of Vermont press release)
How The Immune System’s “Friendly Fire” Can Turn Malaria Deadly (Australian Synchrotron news release)
Mix and Match MOF (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory press release)
Non-coding RNA: Antibiotic Tricks a Switch (Excerpted from "Nature" News & Views)
Concerns About Long-Term Use of Chromium Diet Pills (Australian Synchrotron press release)
New Iron Oxides Point to an Oxygen Source Inside the Earth (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron [DESY] press release)
New Clues in the 100-Year-Old Mystery of the Frank-Starling Law of the Heart (Illinois Institute of Technology press release)