News Feed - APS/User News

Registration is now open for the 2025 APS/CNM Users Meeting, an exciting week of user science presentations, workshops, facility updates, and more, all taking place May 5-9 at Argonne.
The Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science (FICUS) program has opened its annual call for biological and environmental research proposals for fiscal year 2026. The deadline for Letter of Intent submission is March 6.
The eBERlight program is designed to increase biological and environmental science at the Advanced Photon Source. How can the ultrabright X-rays of the upgraded APS help to illuminate soil, air, water and biofuel crop research and provide insights into our world and its ecosystems?
Argonne scientists will be part of a new materials research center led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Ten centers across nine states will receive a share of $118 million in funding to advance fundamental energy research.
As part of Argonne’s Green Ride Program, the lab has launched LabCab, an on-campus rideshare service designed to provide quick, convenient, and free rides around the Lemont campus. Get where you need to go, anywhere on campus.
The Advanced Photon Source is back in action after a year-long shutdown, during which the original electron storage ring was removed and replaced with a brand-new multi-bend achromat lattice. The upgraded APS is now circulating its world-record-breaking electron beam, generating X-rays for its updated beamlines and beginning to welcome users for its new era of scientific discovery.
The ongoing upgrade to the Advanced Photon Source (APS) continues to move forward, with the first of its new feature beamlines bringing in its first users.
Over the past 35 years, Mills built and refined photon sources to advance research in chemistry, physics, biology and beyond.
The American Physical Society has chosen Alexander Zholents, a senior physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, as the recipient of this year’s Robert R. Wilson Prize.
David Baker, a longtime user of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility and the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne, is one of three recipients of the chemistry prize for 2024.
After a yearlong installation, light has returned to the world-leading Advanced Photon Source. Users across a gamut of disciplines, from materials to planetary science, are getting their research proposals ready.
Several members of the Advanced Photon Source (APS) team were among the dozens of Argonne employees honored this year with an Argonne Board of Governors Award. The annual awards recognize distinguished employee performance, outstanding service to the laboratory and excellence in education, safety and diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA).
Gilberto Fabbris, a physicist in the X-ray Science Division, has been named a recipient of an Early Career Research Program award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science for 2024.
The new measurement confirms the world-leading status of the APS as it returns to operation following a shutdown for a comprehensive upgrade.
The ultimate power source that powers the stars themselves, nuclear fusion is capable of producing clean, essentially unlimited energy and solving humankind's needs into the far distant future if the technological challenges to its realization can be met.
Three GM/CA users have been awarded the inaugural prize for their outstanding research contributions to the field of immunology.
Chengjun Sun, Mikhail Solovyev and Shelly Kelly of the X-ray Science Division won a prestigious R&D 100 award for their AXES project, a complete advanced X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) solution featuring a new spectrometer with the unprecedented ability to probe seven different elements simultaneously. AXES uses artificial intelligence to perform data analyses in real time with minimal human intervention.
Elected officials and leaders from the Department of Energy join us for an outdoor ceremony to dedicate the upgraded APS.
The Users’ Executive Committee’s new members and leadership were nominated and elected by the APS user community and will serve for three-year terms.
On July 17, 2024, elected officials and Department of Energy leaders joined Argonne to dedicate the upgraded Advanced Photon Source (APS).