The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Science Highlights

Putting Pressure on 3-D-printed Structures (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory press release)
A Sensing Mechanism in a Food Poisoning Bug (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center press release)
Gold Nanocrystal “Double” Hints at Other Shape-Changing Particles (Columbia University Data Science Institute press release)
Paving the Way for Broad-Spectrum Antifungals (Duke University press release)
Rust Under Pressure Could Explain Deep-Earth Anomalies (Carnegie Institution for Science press release)
Determining the 3-D Atomic Structure of a Cholesterol Transporter (UT Southwestern Medical Center press release)
Why Fat is Yummy (Argonne feature story)
Raising the Magnetic Bar (MIT press release )
Haidan Wen of XSD Wins DOE Early Career Award (Argonne press release)
A New Material that Combines Useful, Typically Incompatible Properties (University of Wisconsin-Madison press release)
A Structural Basis for Development of New Antibiotics (Duke University School of Medicine press release)