The NEW APS has NEW Procedures for Users |
Table of Contents |
ANL DOMAIN ACCOUNTS - ANL domain accounts are now required to access user platforms (My APS Portal, ESAFS, Safety Training, EEFs, etc.).
- To use your domain account you must have current, active user access (contact
- When logging in, your username is the letter "b" followed by your user badge number (e,g., b12345).
- For self-service to reset your password use this link.
- If you need assistance with your domain account or password, contact the help desk at 630-252-9999 option 4.
- NOTE: You will need your badge number and picture ID for the Help Desk to reset your password, and a zoom call will be required.
- Dosimeters must be worn at all times while on the experiment hall floor (they are not required in the LOMs).
- They should never be taken out the APS building. Leave all dosimetry badges on a dosimeter rack located by the exit doors of all LOMs.
- Request your dosimetry badge a minimum of 3 business days prior to arriving at Argonne. You can do so in My APS Portal.
- Pick-up your dosimetry badge at the LOM you requested, or the coat room at building 401 on the first floor outside of the User Program Office if no pick-up location was selected.
APS EXPERIMENT HALL DOORS ARE LOCKED 24/7 - APS Building 401 doors are locked weekdays from 7:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m. and 24 hours on weekends.
- An activated prox card access is required for access.
ON-SITE ACCESS - Baseline conditions that apply for ALL user site access:
- User must be in an approved status for the duration of their access.
- User is listed as user type "onsite" or "observer" on an ESAF.
- ESAF must be fully approved (e.g., both Beamline Admin and APS Admin approvals).
User Arrival Day/Time | Do I need to request a gate pass in my APS User Portal? Request must be submitted by: | Monday-Thursday AFTER 4:00 p.m. | YES 1:00 p.m. one day prior to arrival | Friday AFTER 4:00 p.m. or any time Saturday or Sunday | YES 1:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to arrival | Monday-Thursday 6:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | NO GATE PASS REQUEST NEEDED Gate passes will be issued at the Argonne Welcome Center to cover the duration of the experiment, including set-up and take-down per dates on the ESAF | All times noted are local Chicago times. |
- Gate passes plus an activated prox card are held for pick up at the Main Gate Guard Post.
- Secure your Gate Pass as early as possible to ensure site access and prevent delays with your experiment. Site access cannot be guaranteed if a request is submitted after the deadlines above, and entry may be denied.
- Contact the User Office if arriving on a holiday (
- Users should bring appropriate identification when arriving at Argonne. REAL ID is now required for Argonne site access.
- User gate passes should be worn at all times while on-site. Do not allow your gate pass to be photographed.
- All users must check in at the User Program Office, Building 401, to have their prox cards activated for access to the APS building and experiment hall.
- Additional user check list information can be found here.
NEW LABCAB RIDESHARE SERVICE - For transportation on campus during your visit, you can utilize LabCab, Argonne's newly-introduced on-site rideshare service. The service is available 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Rides can be obtained on demand or reserved in advance. Download the TripShot app to utilize this service.
NEW USER PROPOSAL SYSTEM (UPS) - The UPS is the new proposal submission platform at the APS.
- Please follow these detailed instructions to log in and access your UPS dashboard.
EXPERIMENT SAFETY ASSESSMENT FORM (ESAF) - Your ESAF form must be submitted two weeks in advance of an experiment to allow time for reviews. Submit HIGH RISK ESAFs six to eight weeks in advance. For MX beamlines, submit seven days in advance.
- Users must have an APS badge number in order to be added to an ESAF.
- For ESAF-related inquiries contact
RIDESHARE/LIMO ACCESS: PLAN AHEAD - For individuals arriving using a taxi, limo, or rideshare service will need to obtain a gate pass for their driver to enter the Argonne campus. The pass can be issued on arrival at the Argonne Welcome Center (AWC) during business hours or from the security gate officer during off-hours.
- Visitors checking into the Argonne Guest House can request a shuttle from the AWC to the Guest House between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- For Argonne visitor questions, call 630-252-5755.
- Food deliveries from DoorDash, Grubhub, Uber Eats, and local restaurants can now be picked up in the vestibule of Building 224, the Argonne Welcome Center. Users are able to meet the delivery driver at the Welcome Center or the vestibule area is open 24/7 and has a small pick-up shelf for drivers to drop off orders. Delivery drivers will not be allowed access to the Argonne site.
USER DEMOGRAPHIC DATA AND EXPERIMENT DOIs - New! A digital object identifier (DOI) is minted for each experiment conducted at APS. Users can find these DOIs on their "My DOI" tab in the User Portal.
- To meet U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science requirements, the APS began collecting limited demographic information via the user registration form in October 2024. Participation in providing this information is voluntary, with an option to respond with "do not wish to provide" for each question.
- Please note that your individual demographic details will remain confidential, used only in aggregate, anonymized formats to fulfill reporting and facility review requirements. This initiative helps us understand the diversity of our user community and supports equitable access to our resources. For any questions, please contact:
KREA COFFEE MACHINE IN THE ATRIUM - New! A new coffee machine has been added to the kitchen in the 401 atrium.
- Offers espresso, latte, French vanilla drinks, macchiatos, and fresh coffee.
- Accepts debit and credit only.
HELPFUL QUICK LINKS QUESTIONS should be sent to The APS User Office team staff the office daily. APS User Office hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. |