The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Science Highlights

A Breakthrough in Mapping Nicotine Addiction (UT Southwestern Medical Center press release)
A Unique Bacterial Chemist in the War on Potatoes (Georgia Institute of Technology press release)
The “Missing Evolutionary Link” of a Widely Used Natural Drug Source (The Scripps Research Institute press release)
The First Capture of Neon in an Organic Environment (Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre press release)
Diamonds Help Set New Record for Static Pressures for Study (Argonne National Laboratory press release)
Super-Eruptions May Give a Year's Warning Before They Blow (Vanderbilt University press release)
“Watching” Crystal Structure Change in Real Time (Washington State University press release)
Researchers Determine Key Zika Virus Structure (University of Michigan press release)
Accurate Design of Large Icosahedral Protein Nanocages Pushes Bioengineering Boundaries (University of Washington Health Sciences/UW Medicine press release)
The Structure of an Enzyme Linked to a Key Cell-Signaling Protein (Brookhaven National Laboratory press release)
Structure of an Enzyme Inhibitor Could Be an Anticancer Drug Discovery (Emory University Woodruff Health Sciences Center press release)
An Injectable Biomaterial for Manipulating Organ Behavior (Based upon a press release from The University of Chicago)