The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Science Highlights

Putting the Squeeze on AM Lattices (From "APS Science 2019, Volume 1")
Toward a Strong, Lightweight, and Ductile Aluminum Alloy (From "APS Science 2019, Volume 1")
The Future is Pink for Molecular Movies (From "APS Science 2019, Volume 2")
Nano-Scale X-Ray Vision: Probing Crystal Defects (University of Oxford press release)
Revealing Insects’ Physiological Responses to Gravity (Virginia Tech and Arizona State University press releases)
“Superdiamond” Carbon-Boron Cages Can Trap and Tap into Different Properties (Carnegie Institution for Science press release)
A Novel Inhibitor Provides a Boost for Chemotherapy (From "APS Science 2019, Volume 1")
How HIV Avoids Getting ZAPped (University of Michigan press release)
Teeny-Tiny Organic Films Could Enable New Electronics (University of Chicago News article)
A New Understanding of Antibiotic Synthesis (McGill University press release)
A Discovery Opens the Door for Novel Thermoelectric Materials (Cornell Chronicle press release)