Welcome to Sector 30

It has long been known that the properties of materials are crucially dependent on the arrangement of the atoms that make up the material. For example, atoms that are further apart will tend to vibrat...
Nearly 1800 miles below the Earth's surface, there are large, odd structures lurking at the base of the mantle, sitting just above the core. The mantle is a thick layer of hot, mostly plastic rock tha...
3-ID-B,C,D, 13-ID-C,D, 30-ID-B,C
Recent research efforts carried out at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source and National Synchrotron Light Source II have yielded new structural and energetic insights into quantum...
There is a great need for rechargeable batteries that are safer and more efficient than the current standard, lithium-ion batteries. One promising area of research is in solid-state electrolytes such ...
Researchers used the APS to study a promising class of thermoelectric materials with the goal of converting waste heat into electricity, or replacing mechanical cooling systems that rely on fossil fue...
A growing body of evidence suggests an intimate connection between electronic nematic phases and high-temperature (high-Tc) superconductivity. Research carried out at the U.S. Department of Energy’s...
Revealing the Mechanism of an Otherworldly Metal-Insulator Transition: Hexagonal iron monosulfide (h-FeS), also known as troilite, features an intriguing crystal structure with multiferroic propertie...
Buzz about Thermoelectrics Heats Up with Promising New Magnesium-Based Materials: Looking for the next leap in thermoelectric technologies, researchers using three U.S. Department of Energy research ...
Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid Revealed by Phonons: An international research team using the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source has demonstrated a new technique for detecting exotic qua...
Research Unearths Obscure Heat Transfer Behaviors: Researchers using data from investigations at two U.S. Department of Energy x-ray light sources including the Advanced Photon Source, have discovere...
Scientists have demonstrated that sparse concentrations of nanoparticles can impact the flow of heat energy through solid materials. While this early work was based around a simple ice model, it paves...
Sector 30 Science Highlights: above are a sample of publications from experiments done at the 30-ID beamline. The list can also be viewed here


​Located at the Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source, Sector 30 uses the powerful synchrotron radiation produced at the APS to study a wide variety of complex materials with inelastic x-ray scattering. Please feel free to explore our site and learn more!

Sector 30

Pictured above: the HERIX spectrometer in the 30-ID-C hutch.