HERIX is a high energy resolution (1.5 meV - 4 circle diffractometer) inelastic x-ray scattering spectrometer located at the 30-ID beamline of the APS. It is used for collective excitation (phonon) measurements in ordered (single crystal, polycrystalline, powder samples) and disordered (liquids, soft matter, amorphous samples) systems. |
- Fundamental physics
- Materials science
- Life science
- Geophysics
- Incident energy is 23.71 keV
- Energy resolution of 1.5 meV
- Energy transfer -200 to 200 meV
- Maximum momentum transfer of 75 nm-1
- Momentum resolution of +/-0.65 nm-1 (can be improved by slits)
- 9 momentum transfers recorded simultaneously
- Spot size (H x V):
- focused: 35 µm x 10 µm
- unfocused: 1.8 mm x 0.4 mm
- Low/high temperature (4-800 K) using a closed-cycle cryostat
- High temperature (300-1000 K) using an in-vacuum heating stage
- High pressure (0.2-120 GPa) using a helium-driven membrane diamond anvil cell (DAC)
- Can be used at ambient and low temperatures
- An in situ ruby fluorescence system for pressure determination
- A high-pressure DAC preparation/loading laboratory and gas loading system are available for users at the APS.
- Please communicate with beamline scientist for details on how to use the Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) for your experiment. We have a limited number of DACs available for users. Users are expected to prepare/load their sample into the cell. We encourage inexperienced users to collaborate with experts.
- Magnetic field (<2.2 T @ RT) using a permanent magnet
- Can be used inside the cryostat
- The magnetic field direction can be aligned to be in or out of the scattering plane
- Uniaxial strain (+/- 6 μm @ RT) using cryogenic strain cell from Razorbill
- The cell allows for tensile and compressive strains to samples
- Can be used inside cryostat (+/- 3 μm @ 10 K)