Using a microscope the size of a football field, researchers from The University of Western Ontario, the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Argonne National Laboratory, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University are studying why some insects can survive freezing, while others cannot.

Elroy Chang (ANL-AES), Ali Nassiri (ANL-ASD), and Geoff Pile (ANL-PSC) have been presented with a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Environmental Sustainability Award for the “Reduction, Re-use, Recycling, and Re-buying of Dielectric Oils.” The award, signed by W.F. Brinkman, Director of the Office of Science, was presented to Chang, Nassiri, and Pile on behalf of Argonne National Laboratory at a ceremony in November 2009.

A recently published Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study of a naturally bioreduced sediment sample from a former uranium mill tailings site reveals insights that enhance understanding of the long-term persistence of uranium in groundwater. The study provides the first-ever evidence of a useful pyrite mineral formation within the sample.

Martin R. Kraimer, formerly of the Controls Group in the Argonne APS Engineering Support Division, is one of three recipients of the first Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the ICALEPCS International Scientific Advisory Committee. The award recognizes “those who through their vision, leadership and technical excellence have influenced the practice of control system development beyond the boundaries of their home laboratory or nation.”

All three recipients of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry published papers on their award-winning work based on data collected at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory.

Join the adventure as Linda Young (Argonne Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division) publishes updates on the progress of her group as they carry out the first experiment to use the U.S. Department of Energy's Linac Coherent Light Source—the next-generation laser x-ray source at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory—which produces pulses of x-rays more than a billion times brighter than the most powerful existing sources.

Linda Young, a leader in the field of atomic, molecular, and optical physics, has accepted the position of Division Director for the Argonne National Laboratory X-ray Science Division (XSD) at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). Linda is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and holds a Ph.D. in chemical physics from the University of California, Berkeley.

Have you ever seen a three-foot dragonfly? Where such gigantic insects once dominated the Earth, now only diminutive cousins remain. What created these differences? Elyse Munoz, a junior majoring in biology in the Arizona State University (ASU) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, had the rare opportunity to directly investigate this question over the summer, while participating in cutting-edge research in the lab of physiologist Jon Harrison.

New x-ray sources and improved x-ray detectors will be the result of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding in the amount of $7.9 M obtained by the Advanced Photon Source (APS).

The Hard X-ray Nanoprobe at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory has received one of four R&D 100 awards presented to Argonne by R&D Magazine.

Randall E. Winans, Chemical and Materials Science Group Leader in the Argonne X-ray Science Division of the Advanced Photon Source (APS), has been elected to the inaugural 2009 class of Fellows of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

Efim Gluskin, Director of the Argonne Accelerator Systems Division (ASD) in Photon Sciences, has been named an Argonne Distinguished Fellow, Argonne’s highest scientific and engineering rank.

The UChicago Argonne, LLC Board of Governors for Argonne honored 38 Argonne employees and 3 children of Argonne employees with awards at the 2009 Awards Program held on Monday, June 29, 2009. Among the honorees were five members of Argonne Photon Sciences (PSC) and the son of a PSC employee, as well as a team that is entrusted with mechanical maintenance of the APS facility.

University of Southern California (USC) researchers traveling to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne will be seeking answers to worldly questions about ancient commerce.

Jeffrey T. Miller, leader of the Heterogeneous Catalysis Group in the Argonne National Laboratory Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division (CSE), has been presented with the 2009 Award for Excellence in Catalysis from the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory, and the APS Users Organization announced that the 2009 Arthur H. Compton Award will be presented jointly to Gerhard Grübel, Simon Mochrie, and Mark Sutton for their pioneering efforts in x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS), which exploits the coherent properties of synchrotron x-rays to study the slow dynamics of condensed matter at short length scales.

One of them is probing the atomic structure of materials for potential technological breakthroughs, one is finding clues to climate change beneath the ocean depths, a third is spearheading a movement that applies evolution to human politics.

The world's brightest x-ray source sprang to life last week at the U.S. Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The Linac Coherent Light Source offers researchers the first-ever glimpse of high-energy or "hard" x-ray laser light produced in a laboratory.

Jonathan Lang, Magnetic Materials Group Leader in the Argonne X-ray Science Division, has been named the Photon Sciences (PSC) Supervisor of the Year for 2008. Lang was presented with his award by PSC Associate Laboratory Director Murray Gibson during the APS/Users Operations Monthly Meeting on February 18, 2009.

Silica (silicon dioxide) is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust and consequently is a core component in many rocks.