Information for Users

Basic information for APS users and prospective users. Please see the aps users information, including My APS Portal, for further details.
Getting beamtime

If you would like to perform an experiment on any of the SSM beamlines:

  • Submit proposal via the General User Proposal (GUP) system. Calls for GUPs are issued three times a year GUP is evaluated by the relevant Proposal Review Panel (PRP) and may receive an allocation from the Beamtime Allocation Committee (BAC). Proposals remain valid for up to two years or until the allocated beam time has been fully utilized.
  • In cases where a GUP is not allocated experimental time in a current cycle or does not used its allocated time, users have the option to submit a Beam Time Request (BTR) in subsequent cycles. BTRs do not undergo another PRP review. If a prior BTR resulted in an allocation, the proposal will be reconsidered with its assigned rating. However, if the most recent BTR did not receive experimental time, the GUP’s score increases by 0.2—this adjustment can be applied maximum of two times.
  • Please contact the beamline staff with any questions or for help in preparing your proposal.  Most successful proposals include input from beamline staff.
  • Users will be contacted by a staff person if beamtime has been allocated for their proposed experiments.
Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF)

Safety is a top priority for Argonne, APS, and all beamlines in SMM group

Before any experiment can begin at the APS, it must undergo a thorough review and receive approval. This process is typically carried out through the Experimental Safety Assessment Form (ESAF). The ESAFs must be submitted at least 14 days before the scheduled start of an experiment. Late submissions (< 15 days) will be subject to automatic rejection and site access denial. For experiments involving higher risks, particularly those requiring new safety measures, additional lead time is strongly recommended.

Sector Orientation Forms

Sector orientation will be given at the beamline by staff scientist. Follow the link for your sector and carefully read the material:

Sector 28 Orientation Form

Sector 33 Orientation Form

Sector 34 Orientation Form