A complete list of publications related to work performed at the APS can be found in the APS Publication Database. For more information about APS publications visit here |
Publications from beamlines |
28ID (CHEX) 33BM 34ID-F (ATOMIC) 34ID-E (3DMN) |
Publications from former beamlines |
12ID-D 33ID-D 33ID-E |
Notification of new publications |
Please remember that as an APS user, you are required to notify both the APS and your host beamline staff when results obtained wholly or in part through the use of the APS are published in journals, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, or other printed technical media. Send information regarding publications and student dissertations that resulted from experiments carried out at any of the SSM beamlies (Sector 28, Sector 34, or 33BM) to apspubs@aps.anl.gov with a copy to the SSM administrative contact (clkmak@aps.anl.gov) and your beamline support staff. |
Acknowledgements |
The following acknowledgment statement must be included in all published reports of work conducted at the APS: "Use of the Advanced Photon Source was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357." |