APS UEC Beamline Science Award - Past Winners

APS Users' Executive Committee  Excellence in Beamline Science
Award Date Awardee(s) Recognized for: 
  • Zhonghou Cai
Physicist Zhonghou Cai is the 2023 Gopal K. Shenoy Excellence in Beamline Science Award. Cai is a beamline scientist at the APS and a pioneer in the exciting area of X-ray microbeam and nanobeam techniques.Physicist Zhonghou Cai is the 2023 recipient of the Gopal K. Shenoy Excellence in Beamline Science Award. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)
  • Suresh Narayanan
The 2022 "Gopal K. Shenoy Award for Excellence in Beamline Science at the Advanced Photon Source" was awarded to Suresh Narayanan for his key role in making beamline 8-ID-I "the premier XPCS beamline in the world".Suresh Narayanan, winner of the 2022 Gopal K. Shenoy Excellence in Beamline Science award.(Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)
  • Jiyong Zhao
The 2021 "Gopal K. Shenoy Award for Excellence in Beamline Science at the Advanced Photon Source" (APS) has been awarded to Jiyong Zhao, a physicist in the X-ray Science Division Inelastic X-ray and Nuclear Resonant Scattering Group at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory.Jiyon Zhao- 2021 winner of the Gopal K. Shenoy Award
  • Yang Ren
The award recognizes Ren for "creating a world-leading high-energy x-ray diffraction (HE-XRD) beamline and user program for comprehensive atomic structure studies of condensed matter." It was noted in the nomination that the success of the HE-XRD instrument at 11-ID-C "would not have been possible without Dr. Ren’s dedication to establishing, fostering, and guiding his user community."Ren
  • Hua Zhou
Exceptional science in the area of synchrotron radiation studies of complex oxide heterostructures and outstanding dedication to the user community.
  • Byeongdu Lee
Leadership and innovations in nanomaterials and contributions to x-ray scattering including theory, application, and development of analytical methods and state-of-the-art instrumentation.
  • Daniel Haskel
Pioneering work in x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and x-ray resonant magnetic scattering using the hard x-rays at the APS.


  • Jan Ilavsky
Creating the world-leading APS ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) facility for the exploration of materials-based phenomena in pure and applied science. 
(See also announcement in APS News.)
Jan Ilavsky, in the 15-ID-D research station.


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