22nd National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering Set for June 2020

The 22nd National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering will be held on June 13-27, 2020, at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory, and at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at the DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The main purpose of school is to educate graduate students in the use of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct short experiments at the APS, SNS, and HFIR facilities to obtain hands-on experience using neutron and synchrotron sources.

The target audience of the school is graduate students attending universities in North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico) majoring in physics, chemistry, materials science, geosciences, engineering or related fields.

School coordinators are Uta Ruett John Okasinski (Argonne); and Stephan Rosenkranz, Bianca Haberl, Michael Manley, and Matthias Frontzek (Oak Ridge).

To apply, complete and submit your application through the website at bit.ly/NXSchool.

Application deadline is Monday, February 17, 2020.

For more information go to: https://neutrons.ornl.gov/nxs or https://www.anl.gov/education/national-school-on-neutron-and-xray-scattering, or

Neutron and X-ray School

Division of Educational Programs

Argonne National Laboratory

9700 S. Cass Avenue

Lemont, IL  60439

630-252-4114 phone

630-252-3193 fax nxschool@anl.gov

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