Apply for Beam Time

Next Proposal Deadline

General User Proposal Call
Run Cycle 2025-2
Submission Deadline: March 5, 2025, 2:00 p.m. (Chicago time)

Please reference the 2025-2 calls below for status:

  • General User - Regular: closed

  • Macromolecular Crystallography: closed, will reopen April 28, 2025 for rolling access.

  • eBERlight - Macromolecular Crystallography and General User: closed

  • Resource Staff (includes CAT and APS staff): open

  • CAT Member: open

  • Partner User (PUP): closed

  • NEW! Feature Beamlines - CHEX (28-ID), ATOMIC (34-ID), and 3DMN (34-ID): closed

Information about the specifications and capabilities of the post-Upgrade beamlines can be found in the APS Beamline Directory. PIs are encouraged to contact beamline scientists for more detailed information on the status and current capabilities of the beamlines.

What if I submitted a proposal for a previous cycle?

Proposals submitted for previous run cycles that are still active can request beam time by submitting a follow-on experiment time request (ETR) for 2025-2. Log into UPS using your ORCiD credentials and follow these step-by-step instructions.

Universal Proposal System (UPS)

All proposals for the APS are submitted via the new Universal Proposal System (UPS).

For everything you need to know about the UPS, from logging in to requesting beam time, visit Using the Universal Proposal System.

In order to submit and/or be listed on an APS proposal, users must:

  1. Have an APS/Argonne badge number AND an ORCiD with APS authorized as a Trusted Party in your account. If you do not currently have a badge number, please register as a user.
  2. Log into the UPS platform and create a profile.

Please follow these detailed login instructions to access your UPS dashboard. Watch a demo of the UPS system for additional assistance. 


Please be sure to be as thorough and detailed as possible with your abstract AND when answering all proposal form questions. Beam time for the upgraded APS will be highly competitive. To give your proposal the best chance at allocation, be in-depth with your responses. See our tips for writing a successful APS proposal.

More Information
First-time Proposer
Returning Proposer

You may not need to submit a new proposal!

  • Same work
    • Visit your Dashboard in the Universal Proposal System (UPS) to find the status of your proposals.
    • If the relevant proposal is listed in the "Active" tab, you may not need to create a new proposal.
    • Check the "Rcmd Shifts" and "Used" columns to make sure the remaining time is adequate.
    • If enough time is available, click "Submit New Request" to submit a new experiment time request (ETR) on the existing proposal.
  • New work
    • To change the focus or include new results, submit a completely new proposal by navigating to the Proposal Calls page.


To comment on the contents, please contact or 630-252-9090.