Review Criteria for General User Proposals

Criteria for reviewing general user proposals and for macromolecular crystallography general user proposals are shown below.
Rating Criteria for General User Proposals and Macromolecular Crystallography Proposals
Impact of Research
  • Revolutionary Experiment results will significantly advance knowledge in a specific scientific/technology field. Very high probability of publication in a leading scientific journal and/or very high probability of technological/societal impact*.  (1) 
  • Significant The outcome of the proposed research will advance knowledge in a specific scientific/technology field. High probability of publication in a leading scientific journal and/or high probability of technological/societal impact*.  (2)
  • Important Experiment results likely to produce incremental scientific/technological advances. Likely probability of publication in a non-leading scientific journal and/or some technological/societal impact*.  (3)
  • Minimal The experiment results will not significantly impact a specific scientific/technology field. Publication may or may not result from this research and/or minimal technological/societal impact*.  (4)
  • Insignificant:  Results not likely to make contributions to understanding of fundamental or applied fields. Publication not likely and/or no technological/societal impact*.  (5)
Quality of Research Plan
  • Very High Quality:  Planned experiment demonstrates clear viability**, optimal understanding of facility resources and experimental team and their resources are above average.  Data analysis strategy is very well thought out.  (1)
  • High Quality Planned experiment is well thought out, viable**, and experimental team and their resources are adequate. Data analysis strategy is sound.  (2)
  • Moderate:  Planned experiment is viable** but team would benefit from collaboration with facility staff.  (3)
  • Below Average Research planning, resources, and/or data analysis strategy is lacking some important details.  (4)
  • Poor:  Research plan is not well thought out.  (5)
Justification of Need for Facility Resource
  • Essential: The unique characteristics of the facility resources are shown to be essential for the success of the proposed work. (1)
  • Important: The unique characteristics of the facility resources are important for the success of the proposed work (2)
  • Beneficial: The proposed work will likely benefit from the use of the unique facility resources. (3)
  • Not required: The proposed work does not take advantage of unique facility resources.  (4)

NOTE: One rating is chosen in each area; the overall score is calculated based on a weighted average of scores.

The scores of unallocated proposals are "aged" or improved at each cycle as part of the allocation process. If a proposal was not allocated time in the previous cycle, its score is improved by 0.2. This is done a maximum of two times, for a maximum improvment of 0.4.

* Technological impact can include impact to applied fields, industry, and/or industrial processes.
Societal impact can include education, training, and outreach activities.

** Viability is based on pure, intrinsic limitations of the proposed technique (not the capability of the beamline).


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