APSUO Steering Committee - Leslie G. Butler

  • Louisiana State University
  • Department of Chemistry
  • 232 Choppin Hall
  • Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1804
  • Phone: 225-578-4416
  • Cell: 703-608-8627
  • Email: lbutler@lsu.edu
Current Position

Professor of Chemistry, Louisiana State University

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech, 1981-1983
  • Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1981
  • NSF program officer, chemistry, 2001-2002
  • Beam Advisory Team, FXI, NSLS-II, 2010-present
  • Instrument Development Team, VENUS, SNS, 2006-present
  • Beamtime Advisory Committee, neutron imaging, NIST, 2010-present
  • IMA math workshop: http://www.ima.umn.edu/2005-2006/W1.9-12.06/
  • Phi Beta Kappa, national committees, 1996-2012
  • X-ray and neutron imaging (absorption and phase contrast) applied to dynamic systems in materials sciences: flame retardants in polymers, lithium-ion batteries, and hydrogen storage in metal alloys.
  • Development of new procedures for imaging real-time chemical processes.
  • Development of the LSU CAMD synchrotron tomography beamline and its application to chemical analysis.

I have been a user of NMR, X-ray, and neutron facilities worldwide: NHMFL, LANL, NSLS, PNNL, NIST, APS, SNS (13, 2, and 32), PSI, and FRM-II. I have built 5 solid-state NMRs, one laser system, and one X-ray tomography beamline. For the APS, I am especially interested in the data workflow issues: How can we assist users in most effectively processing, analyzing, and understanding the data pouring from these world-class beamlines? How can we merge data acquisition with the newest mathematics, and then absorb/immerse/contemplate/present the results on an iPad?


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