2016 Users Meeting Program Book

Program Materials from the 2016 Users Meeting

Schedule at a Glance

2016 Rosalind Franklin Award

Comprehensive Program

General Session Abstracts

Workshop Agendas and Abstracts - all*

WK2 APS/CNM: Challenges in Integrating Data Science, Computational Modeling,
and Advanced Characterization
WK3 APS: Advances in in situ and Serial Biological Crystallography
WK4 CNM: Frontiers in Superconducting Electronics: From Quantum Computing to Photon Detectors
WK5 APS: Overview of APS-U Beamline Proposals
WK6 APS: Illuminating Current and Future Geochemistry and Geomicrobiology Research at APS
WK7 CNM: Revealing Hidden Structures and Properties: 3D Characterization of Nanoscale Materials
WK8 APS: Fundamentals and Emergent Applications of Ionic Soft Matters
WK9 APS: The Dynamic Compression Sector: Real-time Investigations of Dynamically Compressed Materials at Multiple Length Scales
WK10 CNM: 2D Materials Beyond Graphene: Exploring the Heterostructures
WK11 APS: In situ Studies of Materials Transformations Using Coherent X-rays

Poster Abstracts and Index - all

Exhibitors and Sponsors 2016


*Workshop 1 was withdrawn


To comment on the contents, please contact apsuser@anl.gov or 630-252-9090.