The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Lesson Module A-7: Personnel Safety System - pg 6

Search and Secure Procedures

The purpose of the Search-and-Secure procedure is to ensure that no person(s) remains inside an experiment station when the shutter is opened. The PSS will not allow a shutter to be opened until a proper Search-and-Secure is performed.

It is preferred that only one person conduct a Search-and-Secure at a time.

The Search-and-Secure must be completed within a defined time period. If the procedure has not been completed before the time period ends, the procedure must be started again.

In general, the Search-and-Secure procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The following conditions must exist before starting a Search-and-Secure:
    • No faults/trips are indicated on the system control panel.
    • The EMERGENCY BEAM STOP button is not depressed (more information on this topic follows in the next section).
    • The DOOR DISABLE button is not depressed (more information on this topic follows in the next section).
    • The station doors are in the correct state.
    • The beam mode is correct (if applicable).
  2. Each station has one or more numbered search boxes inside. Each box has a button that must be pressed as the search of the station progresses. When the conditions listed above are met, an amber light will start flashing above the first search box.
  3. Check the area around the first search box for people. When there are no people present, press the button on the box. If the station has multiple search boxes, an amber light will begin to flash over the box for the next area to be searched. During this process, a voice warning and a red strobe light will indicate that a search is in progress.
  4. After all search box buttons have been depressed and the station carefully searched for no remaining personnel, exit the station and close the door(s) by pushing the DOOR CLOSE button until the green closed LED indicator is lit. The DOOR CLOSE button can then be released. Watch to make sure that no one enters the station during this time.

If a Search-and-Secure has been correctly performed, a steady green LED STATION SEARCH (or SECURE) light will be seen on the Station Control Panel.  The manual and pneumatic door indicator LEDs will be lit to show the doors closed and locked.

NOTE: Each beamline station has its own Search-and-Secure pattern based on the station size, configuration, and equipment it contains. Search-and-Secure patterns for all stations can be found in the PSS User Requirement documents in ICMS and also on the Floor Coordinator Sector Information (Wiki) page. Beamline personnel may also be consulted for help in completing a Search-and-Secure if necessary.
