The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Lesson Module A-7: Personnel Safety System - pg 5

Door Status Panels

Station Door Control Panels indicate door status.

  • Locked
  • Unlocked
  • Open
  • Closed

If you press an OPEN button for a door that is not permitted to be open by the PSS, an alarm will sound to indicate that this action is not allowed, and the door will not open. The storage ring current will not be affected.

For pneumatic doors: OPEN and CLOSE buttons can be found on a small panel next to the door. Press the OPEN button once to open a pneumatic door. To close a pneumatic door, hold in the CLOSE button until the door is completedly closed. The magnetic lock will automatically engage when the door is completely closed, and in some versions of PSS when the search and secure is complete.

For manual doors: These doors must be opened or closed by hand. Manual doors can be locked from the inside of the door by using a slide bolt mechanism at the top of the door and base of the door.  Manual doors can be locked from the outside by using buttons on a separate door control panel on the PSS panel.

Front End Emergency Shutter close plunger

The Front End Emergency Shutter close plunger should only be used in an emergency situation to close the Front End shutter.  The shutter operation buttons should be used during normal operating conditions.

System Controls Panel

The Systems Control Panel is located at the first station control panel in almost all beamlines, and gives the status of warnings, trips, and/or faults on a beamline. Trips and faults occur when malfunction(s) of the PSS and/or EPS are detected, and warnings given when the system detects a potential failure in the future. The panel has six lights, divided into two sets: one set designated as Warning, one designated as Trip, the last designated as Fault, with a chain A and chain B status for all three types of PSS status. These lights will be off if there are no trips or faults. If a trip of fault is present, the chain A and/or B LED indicators will be a steady red light and the panel will have to be reset by either a Floor Coordinator or a PSS system manager to resume beamline operations.  If a warning is present, the chain A and/or B LED indicators will be a stead amber light.  This can be left as is with no impact to the beamline running, or the warning can be registered by pressing the warning reset button, again with no impact to beamline operations.
