The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Lesson Module A-6: Beamline Hardware and Optical Components - pg 16

3-ID-A Beamline Components

User Beamline Components

The transition from one experimental station (hutch) to another is sometimes in the form of a small beam transport tube with flanges on either end. This is known as a spool piece. The spool piece is held in place by two large, lead shields more commonly refered to as guillotines.

Connected to the spool piece at the upstream most part of 3-ID-A is a window and an ion chamber. The window acts as a vacuum barrier and the ion chamber is used to detect/count the lower energy monochromatic beam as it enters this station.

This view indicates that the ion chamber is the last element of experimental equipment used to condition the beam. Following this component the User would place an experimental sample and then a detector. All of the equipment previously shown would define the properties of the beam that would impinge on the sample. Once the conditions for the beam have been set, the User can take data in any manner that is dictacted by the given experiment.