News and highlights for APS-U 9-ID beamline |
9-ID News |
A 3D View of Mesoscale Interfacial Structures in a Single Glance, by Mark Wolverton, 2023.11.01 Grand Tube installed at 9-ID, 2023.9-10 Hybrid First Experiments Workshop for Coherent Surface Scattering Imaging (CSSI) Beamline 9ID at the APS -- including Grazing Incidence Small- and Wide-Angle X-Ray Scattering (GISAXS/GIWAXS) and Grazing Incidence X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (GI-XPCS) -- will take place August 1-2, 2023 at the APS. Registration closed July 17, 2023. 2023 APS/CNM Users Meeting will host APS Workshop 4: "Materials Discovery with Grazing-Incidence X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy," 2023.05.01-02 A pair of new feature beamlines will benefit from the enhanced brightness and coherence of the new APS X-ray beam to deliver fascinating results, J. Synchr. Rad., 2023.07.
9-ID Highlights |
Argonne’s Self-Driving Lab Accelerates the Discovery Process for Materials with Multiple Applications, by Joseph Harmon, Argonne Press Release, 2023.04.25. Deconstruction Site: 8-ID Beamlines Ready for Their Upgrades, by Marguerite Huber, APS/User News, 2022.10.03 |