2023 APS SMS/CONUSS workshop

Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy (SMS) techniques are implemented at all major high energy synchrotron radiation facilities and used by a broad scientific community to probe magnetism, valence states, electronic states of a wide range of materials. The brilliance of synchrotron radiation allows probing very small samples, enabling spatially resolved measurements and measurements at extreme conditions of pressures and temperatures. A new SMS technique suitable for Fe-57 SMS in the APS-U era in any fill pattern is under development at sector 3.

The Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, is organizing a three-day in-person workshop on SMS and CONUSS software. The workshop will introduce the SMS techniques and related beamline capabilities to participants. Extensive hands-on training on spectra interpretation using the software CONUSS will be conducted by its author, Dr. Wolfgang Sturhahn. The workshop is a great opportunity for students and early career scientists to become familiar with CONUSS and discuss specific aspects of SMS data interpretation.

Workshop agenda
Dates and Location

Workshop dates: May 10-12, 2023

Location: Argonne National Lab, APS, Building 402, Room E1100


Registration has been closed.

There is no registration fee to participate in this in-person workshop. Financial support for accommodation will be available for attendees. The workshop will be limited to 20 participants.

Lodging and Site Access
Lodging will be available at the Argonne Guest House for out-of-town participants. If you need a room, please specify the arrival and departure dates when you register. Please note that Argonne National Laboratory requires a gate pass to get onsite and security check for visitors, which may take up to two months, particularly for citizens of countries that are considered sensitive countries under DOE regulations.
Organizing Committee

Dr. Barbara Lavina, Argonne National Laboratory / University of Chicago

Dr. E. Ercan Alp, Argonne National Laboratory

Dr. Jiyong Zhao, Argonne National Laboratory

Financial support
The workshop is sponsored by the Advanced Photon Source, and co-sponsored by DACTools, LLC, Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc, DECTRIS AG.