To ensure competent scientific review, a proposal may be assigned to a different panel (at the discretion of the Review Panel Chair), or the panel may seek additional ad hoc reviews from other experts, including members of other panels. |
Dynamic Compression Sector |
This panel will review general user proposals submitted to the Dynamic Compression Sector (DCS; 35-ID) to perform time-resolved, x-ray diffraction, imaging, and scattering measurements in materials subjected to dynamic compression spanning a wide range of stresses and time durations. |
High-Pressure |
This panel reviews proposals that focus on probing natural and synthetic materials at high static pressure. Techniques such as (but not limited to) diffraction, scattering, spectroscopy and radiography for materials at high static pressure using diamond anvil cells and large volume press are appropriate for this panel to consider |
Instrumentation |
This panel evaluates proposals focused on the development of beamline instrumentation, specialized research equipment, sample environments, X-ray optical components, detectors and beamline integration tasks pertinent to synchrotron radiation research. Additionally, the panel will assess innovative techniques or proof-of-concept experiments aimed at enhancing the current capabilities and applications of synchrotron radiation. While experimental data collection and analysis are essential components of the process, proposals submitted to this panel should primarily emphasize the development and testing of research-specific equipment that requires the use of synchrotron X-ray beamtime. |
Imaging/Microbeam (Bio-Geo & Materials) |
Proposals to this panel encompass tomography, topography, fluorescence mapping, and other imaging techniques. In addition, this panel reviews experiments and measurements that depend upon sub-micron x-ray beams as a critical characteristic for success of the proposed work, for example, micro-XAFS or microbeam diffraction. |
Macromolecular Crystallography |
Proposals submitted by general users for research in macromolecular crystallography are sent for electronic review to individuals who have been recommended by the macromolecular crystallography community. This panel will review proposals that arrive at the last minute, as well as those with fewer than two reviews at the time of the PRP meeting. If necessary, the PRP will also normalize scores from different reviewers. |
Pump Probe |
This panel reviews proposals from all scientific fields that involve a combination of optical excitation and/or detection with an X-ray spectroscopy and/or scattering technique. This includes picosecond- to millisecond-resolved implementations of: X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy; X-ray scattering and crystallography; and X-ray excited optical luminescence. Proposals are often focused on photonics, photophysics, photochemistry, and/or photobiology. Relevant beamlines: 7-ID-B,C,D; 14-ID-B; and 25-ID-E. |
Scattering—Applied Materials |
This panel reviews scattering and diffraction proposals that focus on applied materials issues. Techniques such as (but not limited to) powder diffraction, residual stress measurements, and thin film preferred orientation measurements are appropriate for this panel. Other topical studies that utilize diffraction or scattering techniques to study applied materials are also appropriate. |
Scattering—Condensed Matter |
This panel reviews scattering and diffraction proposals that focus on solid-state or materials physics issues. Techniques such as (but not limited to) magnetic x-ray scattering, nuclear resonant scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering, and diffraction are appropriate for this panel to consider. Other topical studies that utilize diffraction or scattering techniques to study condensed matter physics are also appropriate. This panel will also review instrumentation/optics proposals. |
Scattering—Chemistry/Biology/Environmental |
This panel will review proposals for scattering and diffraction from systems of interest to the chemistry, biology, or environmental sciences communities. Techniques such as (but not limited to) crystallography, powder diffraction, or reflectivity may be appropriate. This panel does not review macromolecular crystallography experiments. |
Small Angle X-ray Scattering |
This panel will review all proposals for small angle x-ray scattering. This includes proposals to study various materials (ceramics, metal precipitates, polymers, liquid suspensions, bio-materials) utilizing all small angle x-ray techniques and camera lengths. Small angle x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy proposals will be reviewed here. |
Spectroscopy |
This panel will review all proposals to use absorption spectroscopy techniques, including extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS). In addition, this panel will review proposals for diffraction anomalous fine structure (DAFS) experiments. |
Spectroscopy - Chem/Catalysis |
Panel Description |
Spectroscopy – Compression/Magnetism |
This panel reviews proposals in the area of structural and magnetic studies of functional and quantum materials that rely on X-ray spectroscopic techniques including XAS, XMCD, EXAFS, NEXAFS, and ARPES. |
Spectroscopy – Enviro/Earth/Bio |
Panel Description |
Structural Science |
This panel reviews proposals spanning chemistry, physics, materials science, geoscience that involve powder diffraction, pair distribution function, and diffuse scattering. Techniques such as crystallography, powder diffraction, and PDF will be considered by this panel. They will review proposals requesting 11-BM, 11-ID-B, 11-ID-C, and 17-BM. |