The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility


The PicoProbe is an advanced next generation analytical electron microscope which is the results of a multi-year CRADA (#1300701) at Argonne. This monochromated, aberration corrected, probe forming analytical electron microscope will harken the next generation of complementary characterization resource. It facilitates state-of-the-art correlative studies of the morphology, crystallography, elemental, chemical and electronic structure composition of soft and hard matter in static environments. Having the ability to operate between 30 and 300 keV, has probe sizes as small as 50 picometers. Combined with the worlds highest sensitivity Pi+ sR detector for x-ray spectroscopy and the ZTwin lens, designed by Argonne, the Picoprobe enables unprecedented sensitivity and resolution for the characterization of hard and soft matter.


The key features of the base-line PicoProbe are:
  • Eo: 30-300 kV
  • High Brightness Coherent Field Emission Gun
  • Probe Corrector ( dx ~ 50 pm)
  • Monochromator (dE < 50 meV)
  • Pi+ sR X-ray Spectrometer
  • ZTwin Lens
  • Next Generation Multi-Port Octagon
  • HR/LowDrift Piezo Goniometer
  • 4Kx4K CMOS Imaging Detector
  • CTEM/STEM/iDPC Modes
  • Analytical LBHV Dtilt Holder
  • Ambient Tomography Holder
  • Liquid Cell Holder
  • Dynamic Imaging < 20 fps
  • Multi-Modal Enabled
  • Telepresence Enabled


PicoProbe will be housed in the Materials Design Lab (Figure 2a) in a custom built electromagnetically shielded laboratory space, control room, and specimen prep lab (Figure 2 b)

Figure 2.