APS Profile Details

Michael Hu


Inelastic X-ray and Nuclear Resonant ScatteringX-ray Science Division



Physicist, 2011 – Current
XSD, APS, Argonne National Laboratory

Beamline Scientist, 2001 – 2007
HP-CAT, APS, Argonne National Laboratory
Geophysical Lab, Carnegie Institute of Washington

Post Doctoral Appointee, 2000 - 2001
XSD, APS, Argonne National Laboratory


Sum rules for the analysis of nuclear resonant absorption spectra
Ralf Röhlsberger and Michael Y. Hu
Onset of anharmonicity and thermal conductivity in SnSe
Michael Y. Hu, Xue Yong, Niall J. English, and John S. Tse
Some notes on data analysis for nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Michael Y. Hu
Moments in nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and their applications
Michael Y. Hu, Thomas S. Toellner, Nicolas Dauphas, E. Ercan Alp, and Jiyong Zhao
Measuring velocity of sound with nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Michael Y. Hu, Wolfgang Sturhahn, Thomas S. Toellner, Philip D. Mannheim, Dennis E. Brown, Jiyong Zhao,E. Ercan Alp
Michael Yu Hu
Ph.D. Dissertation, Northwestern University, December 1999.
A high-resolution monochromator for inelastic nuclear resonant scattering experiments using 119Sn
M. Y. Hu, T. S. Toellner, W. Sturhahn, P. M. Hession, J. P. Sutter, E. E. Alp
Data analysis for inelastic nuclear resonant absorption experiments
M. Y. Hu, W. Sturhahn, T. S. Toellner, P. M. Hession, J. P. Sutter, E. E. Alp

Research and development in Nuclear Resonant Scattering and its applications in many scientific fields including condensed matter physics, material science, geo-sciences, and bio-physics. Lattice dynamics and thermodynamics is a common theme through many of my research, which investigate materials for their elastic, thermal, and structural properties. Data analysis and simulation are areas of great interest to me. Through out the years I have also worked on other inelastic x-ray scattering and spectroscopy techniques.



Ph.D. in Physics, December 1999
Northwestern University

B.S. in Physics, July 1990
Nankai University

