The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

XSD Groups

Beamline Operations
Chemical and Materials Science (CMS)

Primary Contact: Byeongdu Lee
Research Disciplines: Chemistry, Materials Science, Polymer Science, Life Science

The CMS group operates three beamlines, namely 12-BM, 12-ID-B, and 12-ID-E, dedicated to spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering, and USAXS. The primary focus of these beamlines is to address issues related to nano and molecular scale materials sciences and bio-sciences.

Dynamics & Structure (DYS)

Primary Contact: Suresh Narayanan
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Polymer Science, Nanoelectronics Metrology

The DYS group operates two sectors: 8-ID and 9-ID. APS-U Feature Beamline 8-ID studies dynamics in soft and hard condensed matter by means of X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS). APS-U Feature Beamline 9-ID applies coherent scattering in a grazing-incidence scattering geometry to study nanoscale structure, kinetics and dynamics by means of Coherent Surface Scattering Imaging (CSSI), Grazing Incidence X-ray Scattering (Small- and Wide-Angle) and Grazing Incidence XPCS.

Primary Contact: Karolina Michalska
eBERlight is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Office of Science Biologicaland Environmental Research (BER) resource operating at the AdvancedPhoton Source. The program provides access and user support for severalx-ray-based tools for research in biological, geological, geochemical, andenvironmental sciences, such as Macromolecular Crystallography (MX), X-ray Microscopy (X-fluorescence microscopy, XFM, and ptychography), X-ray Full-Field Imaging (Computed Tomography, CT), X-ray scattering (Small/Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering, SAXS/WAXS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)
GMCA Structural Biology Facility (MX)

Primary Contact: Robert Fischetti
Research Disciplines: Biology, Life Sciences

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences and National Cancer Institute Structural Biology Facility at the Advanced Photon Source operates a national user facility for structural biology with synchrotron beamlines specializing in intense, tunable micro-beams for conventional rotation and serial crystallography.

High Pressure CAT (HPC)

Primary Contact: Maddury Somazulu
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, GeoScience, Chemistry, Physics

HPCAT at sector 16 is supported by NNSA office of experimental sciences and operates four beamlines that probe microscopic and macroscopic behavior of materials subjected to extremes of pressure and temperature. We operate a large volume, Paris-Edinburgh cell facility in 16BM-A, a microdiffraction (white beam and monochromatic beam) and tandem XAS capability at 16BM-D, a microdiffraction station that can elucidate materials behavior at varying strain rates of compression or when simultaneously laser heated to temperatures above 3000 K (16ID-B). X-ray Raman, emission and nuclear resonance spectroscopy measurements can be performed on samples in a diamond anvil cell at megabar pressures in 16ID-D, while 16ID-E is being planned to perform x-ray microscopy with sub-micron focused beams on samples at TPa pressures after APS-U.

Imaging (IMG)

Primary Contact: Francesco De Carlo
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Biology, Physics, Life Sciences

The IMG group designs, supports, and operates state-of-the-art x-ray instrumentation and scientific software for 2-D and 3-D full-field imaging.  Development efforts focus on optimizing for speed, sensitivity, and resolution by taking full advantage of the unique properties of the APS source, such as the time structure, the high energy, and the low emittance. This allows for multi-scale imaging of real materials — in real time — and under real conditions

Inelastic X-ray & Nuclear Resonant Scattering (IXN)

Primary Contact: Jiyong Zhao
Research Disciplines: Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics, Materials Science

The IXN group operates 3 beamlines (3-ID, 27-ID, & 30-ID) that exploit the brilliance and unique timing structure of the APS to study the dynamical properties of matter using resonant and non-resonate inelastic x-ray scattering and Mössbauer spectroscopy.

Magnetic Materials (MM)

Primary Contact: Daniel Haskel
Research Disciplines: Physics, Materials Science

The MM group operates 4 beamlines at 4-ID, 6-ID, and 29-ID that focus on the study of magnetic, electronic, and structural properties of condensed matter systems using x-ray scattering and spectroscopy techniques.

Materials Physics and Engineering (MPE)

Primary Contact: Jonathan Almer
Research Disciplines: Materials Science and Engineering, Condensed-Matter Physics

The MPE group develops and uses high-energy x-ray imaging and scattering techniques, including grain-resolved studies of polycrystalline materials.   In situ and operando studies under stress, temperature and electrochemistry are major themes of the group.

Microscopy (MIC)

Primary Contact: Barry Lai
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Biology, Physics, Life Sciences

The MIC group carries works on the development and applications of hard x-ray microscopy.  The program uses x-ray optics-based microprobes and nanoprobes to probe real space, reciprocal space, and in particular, elemental content and local chemistry, and coherent diffractive imaging-based approaches to extend achievable spatial resolution in x-ray microscopy beyond limitations set by x-ray optics.  

Spectroscopy (SPC)

Primary Contact: Shelly Kelly
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Environmental Science, Chemistry, GeoScience

The spectroscopy group enables XAFS, micro-XAFS, x-ray Raman (LERIX), x-ray emission spectroscopy, high resolution fluorescence spectroscopy, time-resolved x-ray-excited optical luminescence, confocal imaging, and micro-XRF investigations at 9-BM, 20-BM, and 25-ID of the Advanced Photon Source.

9-BM-C offers full in-situ and operando catalyst studies.

Structural Biology Center (SBC)

Primary Contact: Andrzej Joachimiak
Research Disciplines: Life Sciences

The SBC group operates two beamlines (19-BM-D and 19-ID-D) for macromolecular x-ray crystallography.

Structural Science (SRS)

Primary Contact: Uta Ruett
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Electrochemistry, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Science

The scientific programs of the SRS group focus on the in situ and operando study of atomic structures ranging from synthesis of new materials to investigation of functional devices. High-energy x-rays are used for high-resolution powder diffraction, rapid data acquisition powder diffraction, single crystal diffraction, as well as total scattering for PDF analysis with multimodal approaches. The group operates the beamlines 11-BM, 11-ID-B, 11-ID-C, 11-ID-D, and 17-BM. The electrochemistry facility is specialized on the support of battery related experiments.

Surface Scattering and Microdiffraction (SSM)

Primary Contact: Jon Tischler
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry

The SSM group develops and applies x-ray capabilities for determining the structure of surfaces, interfaces, and thin films. The group focuses on characterization of epitaxial films including during growth in a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) chamber and using a unique white beam µ-Laue instrument to determine the polycrystalline configuration of surfaces and films in functional materials. In addition, we support a wide range or traditional x-ray diffraction.

Time-Resolved Research (TRR)

Primary Contact: Xiaoyi Zhang
Research Disciplines: Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics

The TRR group operates beamlines 7-ID and 25-ID-E that utilize state-of-art time-resolved X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy and imaging capabilities to investigate multiple time- and length-scale dynamics of a variety of systems. Typically this is accomplished via pump-probe methods where the excitation pump is an ultrafast laser pulse. 

Beamline Technologies
Beamline Controls (BC)

Primary Contact: Joe Sullivan

The BC group develops software and electronic hardware for synchrotron radiation beamlines that serves the common needs of APS researchers, and implements software for the APS Beamlines.

Beamline Instrumentation (BI)

Primary Contact: Michael Fisher

Beamline Instrumentation group provides engineering support for novel synchrotron radiation equipment.

Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence (CAI)

Primary Contact: Mathew Cherukara

The Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence (CAI) group develops the methods and computational tools used by beamline scientists and APS users to process and interpret experimental data. Our efforts are directed both towards the development of techniques and software to quickly and efficiently analyze data from existing x-ray characterization tools at the APS, and towards the development of new computational and AI-enabled methods that expand the suite of x-ray characterization tools at the APS.

Detectors (DET)

Primary Contact: Antonino Miceli

The detector group develops new types of detectors for synchrotron radiation research that are not available commercially.  In addition, it manages the detector pool which provides novel detector systems to all APS beamlines.

Nanopositioning Support Lab

Primary Contact: Deming Shu

The Nanopositioning Support Lab provides engineering and technical support to enable world-class performance of nanopositioning instruments for APS operations and research.

Optics (OPT)

Primary Contact: Lahsen Assoufid

The Optics group operates and develops instruments to fabricate and characterize x-ray optical elements, such as single crystal monochromators, mirrors, multilayers, and other special substrates.

Scientific Software Engineering and Data Management (SDM)

Primary Contact: Nicholas Schwarz

The Scientific Software Engineering and Data Managment group provides flexible, customer-oriented software services to the accelerator and beamlines in support of world-class photon science at the APS. These services are rendered through the application of our core competencies: embedded software, software engineering, distributed control systems, information systems, high performance computing, and graphical user interfaces.