Scientific Software

Software development for visualization, analysis, reduction, and simulation of X-ray experimental work and control of X-ray beamlines and experiments is a significant activity for the APS and its user community. The overarching goal is to collect data efficiently and harness the power of advanced algorithms and computing to unlock the value contained in that data and elevate the APS’s scientific impact and operational efficiency.

Software development is performed via staff dedicated to the task in our Scientific Software Engineering and Data Management (SDM), Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence (CAI), and Beamline Controls (BC) groups; and within our beamline and user communities. The efforts within our groups are captured in the APS Scientific Computing Strategy that is updated at least annually. This document summarizes ongoing and emerging software and infrastructure projects relevant to the APS’s x-ray beamline community. Potential development projects are identified via frequent interaction with the beamline staff and user community and, where needed, are prioritized regularly by the APS X-ray Science Division management team.

A large number of the packages we have developed and that are being developed by the community are available from the APS GitHub repository. These repositories encompass a variety of project areas, including:

  • Code for controlling and monitoring beamline instruments and experiments
  • Tools for processing and analyzing experimental data
  • Simulation software for modeling beamline optics, detectors, and other components