The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Operations Directorate (OPS Directorate)


A group chartered by the Associate Laboratory Director for the Advanced Photon Source that includes the responsible Division Directors and other appropriate APS operations personnel.The Operations Directorate collectively coordinates operating decisions that affect the facility as a whole and establishes both long- and short-term schedules, including scheduled maintenance and facility improvement periods.

The Operations Directorate is the APS forum in which decisions regarding operations are discussed: These include, but are not limited to:

  • Safety issues related to operations
  • Operational Schedule
  • Global operating parameters within the defined and approved operational and safety envelopes, such as energy, maximum circulating beam current
  • Any unique fill patterns or operational modes to be used during a given scheduling period
  • New operational modes
  • Identification of proposed changes in facility operations and operational parameters that are considered in the APS Safety Assessment Document and the APS Accelerator Safety Envelope. The identification is used to determine if a Reviewed Safety Issue analysis is required prior to approving the change.

The Operations Directorate's conclusions are forwarded as recommendations to the PSC ALD (APS Director) for final decision.

Michael Borland
Malcolm Capel (Life Sciences)
Laurent Chapon
John Chrzas (PUC)
Mike Edelen
Jacki Flood
Randy Flood
Chris Gorman
Ahmed Haseeb
Kelly Jaje (Admin.)
Jim Kerby
Jonathan Lang
Michelle Mejia (APS UEC)
Nena Moonier
Elmie Peoples-Evans
James Piatek (Argonne Site Office)
Geoff Pile
Daniel Preuss
John Quintana, Chair
Paul Rossi
Vadim Sajaev
Connie Vanni
Stefan Vogt
Susan White-DePace

Last Updated: 4/10/24