Computing Advisory Committee Charter


The Advanced Photon Source (APS), located at Argonne National Laboratory, is a synchrotron light source funded by the U.S Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science-Basic Energy Sciences (BES) to produce high-energy, high-brightness x-ray beams. The recent upgrade to a 4th generation storage ring will ensure that the APS operates as one of the brightest hard x-ray synchrotron light source in the world. As part of this upgrade, many new and enhanced beamlines will offer transformative analytical capabilities for X-ray scattering spectroscopy, and imaging. As a scientific user facility, scientists from around the world utilize the APS to conduct forefront basic and applied research in the fields of materials science; biological and life science; physics; chemistry; environmental, geophysical, and planetary science; and innovative x-ray instrumentation.

Advanced computational approaches and technologies are key to help realize the full potential of the APS. New scientific opportunities for the APS, and its users and partners, are enabled by the upgraded source, new measurement techniques, technological advances in detectors, multi-modal data utilization, and advances in data analysis algorithms, including artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). The high-energy, high-brightness, and coherent x-rays of the new APS is leading to massive increases in data rates and experiment complexity that will only be addressed with advanced computing. The appropriate application of scientific computing is critical to the current and future success of the APS mission.

Purpose and Mission

The APS Computing Advisory Committee is established to provide specialized advice, expertise, and guidance to the Associate Laboratory Director for Photon Sciences (ALD-PSC) / APS Director on the topic of computing at the APS. The Committee’s advice and guidance will help ensure that computational methodologies and technologies are leveraged by, and integrated into, the research and operations activities of the APS. The aim is to harness the power of computing and data to elevate the overall scientific impact and operational efficiencies of the APS beamlines and accelerator complex.


  • Provide advice, expertise, and guidance on areas of computing relevant to the APS with the aim to help the facility meet its mission, and to increase its overall scientific impact and operational efficiency.
  • Comment on the suitability of the APS vision for computing, and on the effectiveness of the APS strategy at realizing this vision.
  • Suggest opportunities to accelerate science through innovative data science, including AI/ML, scientific software, data management, and computing technologies.
  • Provide guidance to ensure the APS is and remains at the cutting-edge of computational science-, data-, and AI-driven discovery.
  • Keep abreast of, and comment on, emerging trends and needs related to computing from the scientific, user, and partner communities.
  • Assist with the development of policies pertaining to computing and data at the APS.
  • Maintain and share an awareness of related and relevant efforts and collaborations within the synchrotron light source community, within other large experimental and observational facility communities, within the computing community, such as the DOE Integrated Research Infrastructure effort and the DOE High-Performance Data Facility project, from the larger scientific community, or from industry.
  • Comment on existing collaborations and suggest new collaborative engagements to pursue.
  • Help review special computing projects, proposals, and capital investment strategies from time to time.


The Committee will consist of a Chair and of approximately seven to ten members. Committee members and the Committee Chair are appointed by the APS. The Chair will serve for a two-year term, renewable by mutual consent of the member and the APS. Membership on the Committee will be for a two-year term, renewable by mutual consent of the member and the APS. Members will serve staggered two-year terms. Membership is reviewed periodically by the APS. Additionally, the APS Scientific Advisory Committee Chair, APS Machine Advisory Committee Chair, APS Users Organization Chair, and APS Partner User Council Chair shall serve as members, ex officio.


The full Committee shall meet at least once per year. More frequent meetings may be held as needed. The Committee Chair and the APS will schedule and call Committee meetings. The agenda for each Committee meeting will include a specific charge and will be prepared by the APS in conjunction with the Committee Chair. In addition to formal Committee meetings, the Committee is encouraged to communicate frequently with the APS to discuss any emerging topics in a timely fashion.


At the conclusion of each Committee meeting the Committee Chair will address the charge during a close-out session. The Committee Chair will coordinate the writing of a report that address the charge and provides advice, comments, and recommendations on the topics discussed in the Committee meeting. The Committee Chair will send the written report to the APS within one month from the end of the Committee meeting.