Operates APS accelerators and applies integrated expertise in accelerator physics, software development, and numerical methods to the understanding, simulation, and enhancement of APS accelerator systems and future light sources. |
The Controls group designs, installs, debugs, and maintains distributed monitoring and control systems. These systems monitor and control both the APS accelerator and a number of other APS systems. The systems are designed for high reliability, high performance, and the capability of evolving to meet new requirements. |
Designs, implements, characterizes, and maintains state-of-the-art particle and photon beam diagnostics for the APS accelerators and transport lines in order to support reliable, ultra-stable machine operation and accelerator research and development efforts. |
Performs magnetic measurements of IDs, to tune them, to provide the best performance from the point of view of radiation quality, to minimize the perturbations of the particle beam in the APS storage ring by providing gap independence of magnetic field integrals, and to maintain the performance of the devices. |
Designs, constructs, and maintains power supply systems with high precision and stability, high reliability, and unique functionalities to facilitate world-class science and technology research at the APS and performs or supports activities that benefit the science of accelerators and future light sources. |
Designs, constructs, and maintains rf systems for the APS; conducts studies and analyses to improve and enhance rf systems performance in support of operation; develops novel rf and microwave techniques for accelerator operations for the APS and the next generation of particle accelerators. |
Operates APS accelerators and coordinates work between technical groups to maintain very high accelerator reliability with rapid recovery from faults. Administers group Lock Out/Tag Out and Access Control Interlock System operation to ensure personnel safety. |