Argonne Laboratory Director Paul Kearns visits the APS to see the progress of the new storage ring. Photo by Elmie Peoples-Evans, Argonne National Laboratory.
Progress In Pictures

July 2023

July 2023
Two of the first modules of the upgraded APS electron storage ring, installed in sector 24 of the APS facility. Photo by Jim Kerby, Argonne National Laboratory.

July 2023
Completed modules of the new Advanced Photon Source storage ring ready to be transported and installed. Photo courtesy Aleksander Stankovik, Argonne National Laboratory.

June 2023
Argonne scientists Ali Mashayekhi, Peter Kenesei and Leighanne Gallington, from left, stand inside the newly constructed experiment enclosure for the High-Energy X-ray Microscope (HEXM). Image by Jon Almer, Argonne National Laboratory.

June 2023
The final girder of magnets to be removed from the Advanced Photon Source facility, surrounded by the team of contractors who completed the removal. Image by J.J. Starr, Argonne National Laboratory.

June 2023
The final girder of magnets is removed from the APS storage ring facility. Image by J.J. Starr, Argonne National Laboratory.

May 2023
The first removed module of the original APS storage ring, strapped to a truck for transport. The original modules will be removed one by one and taken to a storage area on the Argonne site. The upgraded APS storage ring will then be installed. Image by J.J. Starr, Argonne National Laboratory.

May 2023
Workers remove the first module of the original APS storage ring. The original ring will be completely cleared out to make room for the new one, which will be transported module by module to the APS facility and installed. Image by J.J. Starr, Argonne National Laboratory.

May 2023
A fully assembled module for the new APS storage ring. The new ring will be made up of 200 of these modules, combining precisely aligned electromagnets with a complex vacuum system and specially designed power systems. Image by Jason Creps, Argonne National Laboratory.

May 2023
Close-up of the connection between two magnets on one of the 200 modules that will make up the new APS storage ring. The vacuum system, which recreates the vacuum of deep space to keep the electron beam from coming in contact with the atmosphere, can be seen stretching between the two magnets. Image by Jason Creps, Argonne National Laboratory.