X-ray Spectroscopy Special Interest Group (SIG): PyAcq - Canadian Light Source data acquisition system for X-ray fluorescence microscopy and Xray absorption spectroscopy

Type Of Event
Sponsoring Division
Hybrid: 435/C010 and Virtual
Building Number
Room Number
Gosia Korbas, APS
Yanna Chen, Mary Upton, Jung Ho Kim
Start Date
Start Time
10:00 a.m.


PyAcq is a Python-based data acquisition and visualization plaAorm developed for the BioXASImaging beamline at the Canadian Light Source. The beamline is dedicated to X-ray fluorescence microscopy and micro-X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The PyAcq plaAorm consists of several components. A Python-based EPICS-aware server fetches queued scans, executes them, and writes collected data to HDF5 files. Native EPICS applications provide the server with SSCAN records for step scans, hardware-driven fly scans, and a beamline configuration wrapper. A Python-based client (GUI), decoupled from EPICS, connects to the server. The client configures scans, queues them, and visualizes results. Users can dynamically adjust the region of interest in the X-ray fluorescence spectra to visualize specific elements in a sample and input mathematical functions to modify displayed images. These modifications can be applied and visualized on both running and completed scans. Finally, the client can operate in stand-alone mode to visualize and
inspect completed scans.


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