High Pressure Interest Group VIRTUAL monthly meeting

Type Of Event
Dr. Sergey S. Lobanov
Start Date
Start Time
1:00 p.m.

Our next high-pressure interest group meeting will be held 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (US central time), Monday, September 16, 2024. In this meeting, Dr. Sergey S. Lobanov, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, will present ​“Novel optical tools for quantitative measurements of physical properties in diamond anvil cells”

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Physical properties at high pressure are of special interest in geophysics. This is because the properties of Earth’s mantle and core largely determine the rate and efficiency of all important geological process operating in the deep interior. However, experimental constraints of the relevant physical properties at high pressure and temperature conditions often pose a great challenge due to the miniscule sample volume available for probing. To overcome this challenge, my colleagues and I are developing a suite of spectroscopic methods that use an ultra-bright white laser as a probe for diverse physical properties of the mantle and core. In novel spectroscopic experiments performed at high pressure and temperature we strive to better constrain the thermal and electrical conductivity of the Earth’s mantle and core as well as the density, viscosity, and chemical speciation of silicate melts. In my seminar, I will showcase the spectroscopic studies of the deep Earth that are made possible by white-laser spectroscopy. Our future results may provide critical input for (1) quantifying water delivery to the transition zone, (2) clarifying the thermal conductivity at the base of the mantle and in the core, (3) modeling properties and chemical speciation of the magma ocean.

For more information about his work, see: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/staff/sergey.lobanov/sec36 

Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting!

Jesse Smith (HPCAT), Vitali Prakapenka (GSECARS), and Esen E. Alp (XSD)

jssmith@anl.gov   -   prakapenka@cars.uchicago.edu  -  eea@anl.gov

For a list of upcoming speakers and recordings of past meetings, see https://hpcat.aps.anl.gov/meetings/high-pressure-meeting

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