APS Profile Details

Zhonghou Cai


MicroscopyX-ray Science Division



Lin Wang, Yang Ding, Wenge Yanga, Wenjun Liu, Zhonghou Cai, Jennifer Kung, Jinfu Shu, Russell J. Hemley, Wendy L. Mao, and Ho-kwang Mao, “Nanoprobe     measurements of materials at megabar pressures”, PNAS, 107, 6140-6145 (2010).

Z. Zeng, K. Natesan, Z. Cai, S.B. Darling, The role of metal nanoparticles and nanonetworks in alloy degradation, Nature Materials. 7, 641-646 (2008).

R. Jaramillo, T.F. Rosenbaum, E.D. Isaacs, OG. Shpyrko, P.G. Evans, G. Aeppli, Z. Cai, Microscopic and Macroscopic Signatures of Antiferromagnetic Domain Walls,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117206  (2007).

H. M. Quiney, A. G. Peele, Z. Cai, D. Paterson and K. A. Nugent, Diffractive imaging of highly focused X-ray fields, Nature Physics, 2, 101 (2006).

A. F. Isakovic, P. G. Evans, J. Kmetko, K. Cicak, Z. Cai,  B. Lai,  and R. E. Thorne, Shear Modulus and Plasticity of a Driven Charge Density Wave, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 046401 (2006).

Tonio Buonassisi, Andrei A. Istratov, Matthew A. Marcus, Barry Lai, Zhonghou Cai, Steven Heald, and Eicke R. Weber, Nanodefect engineering for solar cells: A clean start for dirty materials, Nature Materials, 4, 676 (2005).

Kenneth M. Kemner, Shelly, D. Kelly, Barry, Lai, Jorg, maser, Edward J. Loughlin, Deirdre Sholto-Douglas, Zhonghou Cai, Mark, A. Schneegurt, Charles F. Kulpa Jr., Kenneth H. Nealson, Elemental and Redox Analysis of Single Bacterial Cells by X-ray Microbeam analysis, Science, 306, 686 (2004).

J.J.A. Lin, D. Paterson, A.G. Peele, P.J. McMahon, C.T. Chantler, K.A. Nugent, B. Lai, N. Moldovan, Z. Cai, D.C. Mancini, I. McNulty, Measurement of the Spatial Coherence Function of Undulator Radiation using a Phase Mask, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 074801 (2003).

D. E. Eastman, C. B. Stagarescu, G. Xu, P. M. Mooney, J. L. Jordan-Sweet, B. Lai, Z. Cai, Observation of Columnar Microstructure in Step-Graded Si1-xGex/Si Films Using High-Resolution X-Ray Microdiffraction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 156101 (2002).

P. Evans, E. Isaacs, G. Aeppli, Z. Cai, B. Lai, X-Ray Microdiffraction Images of Antiferromagnetic Domain Evolution in Chromium, Science 295, 1042 (2002).

Z. W. Hu, B. Lai, Y. Chu, Z. Cai, D. Mancini, B. R. Thomas, A. A. Chernov, Phase Sensitive X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of Defects in Biological Macromolecular Crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 148101 (2001).

J. Wang, A. K. Sood, P. Satyam, Y. Feng, X. Z. Wu, Z. Cai, W. Yun, and S. K. Sinha, X-Ray Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy: a Method for Studying Particle Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 1110 (1998).

Zhonghou Cai, Barry Lai, Wenbing Yun, Ian McNulty, Kegang Huang, and Thomas Russell, Observation of X-ray Speckle by Coherent Scattering at Grazing Incidence, Phys. Rev. Lett., 73, 4(1994).

Zhonghou Cai, and Stuart A. Rice, Langmuir Monolayers: Structure and Phase Transitions, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc., 89, 211-229(1990).



X-ray microdiffraction and microspectroscopy imaging of crystallographic phase, chemical and phase composition, and microstructure.

Structure and property relations of materials particularly in areas of corrosion resistance and energy efficiency.

Applications of microdiffraction and microfluorescence techniques in device materials, microelectronic devices, materials under extremely high pressure, condensed matter physics, electrochemistry, and individual nanoscale materials.

Development of X-ray microscopy instrumentation.


1991 - Ph.D. Chemistry, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

1984 - MS. Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

1982 -  BS. Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai, China


Lead X-ray microdiffraction program in the Microscopy (MIC) Group

Developed the program and applications of the X-ray microdiffraction in scientific areas covering a broad range of materials sciences, physics, and chemistry 

Developed dedicated X-ray microdiffraction instrument at 2-ID-D (2001)

Developed a series of early demonstrations and applications of the 6-20 keV X-ray microfluorescence and microdiffraction imaging techniques

Designed, constructed, and commissioned the APS 150-nm microprobe at 2-ID-D (1996)

Developed instrument and performed APS first beam diagnostics (1995)

Awards and Honors

Lead X-ray microdiffraction program in the Microscopy (MIC) Group

Developed the program and applications of the X-ray microdiffraction in scientific areas covering a broad range of materials sciences, physics, and chemistry 

Developed dedicated X-ray microdiffraction instrument at 2-ID-D (2001)

Developed a series of early demonstrations and applications of the 6-20 keV X-ray microfluorescence and microdiffraction imaging techniques

Designed, constructed, and commissioned the APS 150-nm microprobe at 2-ID-D (1996)

Developed instrument and performed APS first beam diagnostics (1995)


Symposium co-chair, Recent Advances in Structural Characterization of Materials, Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2011 Conference, Columbus, Ohio, Oct., 2011.

Symposium chair, Recent Advances in Structural Characterization of Materials, Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2010 Conference, Houston, Texas, Oct., 2010.

Symposium chair, Recent Advances in Structural Characterization of Materials, Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2009 Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Oct., 2009.