APS Profile Details

Zahirul Islam


Magnetic MaterialsX-ray Science Division


  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • 9700 S. Cass Ave
  • Building 432 - B004
  • (630) 252-9252
  • -/-

ZI completed his undergraduate education at Bemidji State University and graduate studies at Iowa State University. He is active in research on magnetism in a diversity of rare-earth compounds and complex oxides. Scattering studies of magnetic field induced novel electronic phases of matter as well as relaxation phenomena is a focus of his research.


Book Chapter

Z. Islam, X. Liu, S. K. Sinha, and S. C. Moss, Inhomogeneous Lattice Modulations and Fermi-Surface Effects in Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide Superconductors, Diffuse Scattering and the Fundamental Properties of Materials Editors: R. I. Barabash, G. E. Ice, and P. E. A. Turchi, Momentum Press, NJ (2008).

Research Articles

1. J.-H. Chu, J. G. Analytis, K. De Greve, P. L. McMahon, Z. Islam, Y. Yamamoto, I. R. Fisher, In-Plane Resistivity Anisotropy in an Underdoped Iron Arsenide Superconductor, Science 329, 824 (2010)

2. J. P. C. Ruff, Z. Islam, J. P. Clancy, K. A. Ross, H. Nojiri, Y. H. Matsuda, H. A. Dabkowska, A. D. Dabkowski, and B. D. Gaulin, Magnetoelastics of a Spin Liquid: X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Tb2Ti2O7 in Pulsed Magnetic Fields, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 077203 (2010)

3. Z. Islam, J. P. C. Ruff, H. Nojiri, Y. H. Matsuda, K. A. Ross, B. D. Gaulin, Z. Qu, and J. C. Lang, A portable high-field pulsed-magnet system for single-crystal x-ray scattering studies, Rev. Sci. Instrm. 80, 113902 (2009)

4. X. Liu, Z. Islam, S. K. Sinha, S. C. Moss, R. J. McQueeney, J. C. Lang, and U. Welp, Fermi-surface induced modulation in an optimally doped YBCO superconductor, Phys. Rev. B 78, 134526 (2008).

5. Y. Zhong, Z. Islam, Y. Ren, P. Parilla, P. Ahrenkiel, P. L. Lee, A. Mascarenhas, M. J. McNevin, I. Naumov, H.-X. Fu, X.–Y. Huang, and J. Li, Zero thermal expansion in a nanostructured inorganic-organic hybrid crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 215901 (2007).

6. E. C. Samulon, Z. Islam, S. E. Sebastian, P. B. Brooks, M. K. McCourt, Jr., J. Ilavsky, and I. R. Fisher, Low-temperature structural phase transition and incommensurate lattice modulation in the spin-gap compound BaCuSi2O6, Phys. Rev. B 73, Rapid Comm., 100407 (2006).

7. Z. Islam, D. Haskel, J. C. Lang, G. Srajer, X. Liu, S. K. Sinha, B. W. Veal, High-resolution polarization analysis study of long-range magnetic order in cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 71, 212506 (2005).

8. D. de Fontaine, V. Ozolins, Z. Islam, S. C. Moss, Origin of modulated structures in YBa2Cu3O6.63: A first-principles approach, Phys. Rev. B 71, 212504 (2005).

9. Z. Islam, X. Liu, S. K. Sinha, J. C. Lang, S. C. Moss, D. Haskel, G. Srajer, P. Wochner, D. R. Lee, D. R. Haeffner, U. Welp, A 4-uni-cell superstructure in optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6.92, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 157008 (2004).

10. Z. Islam, C. Detlefs, C. Song, A. I. Goldman, V. Antropov, B. N. Harmon, S. L. Bud'ko, T. Wiener, P. C. Canfield, D. Wermeille, K. D. Finkelstein, Effects of band filling on magnetic structures: The case of RNi2Ge2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2817 (1999).


Superconductiviy; novel charge, spin, & orbital order; physical phenomena in steady and pulsed magnetic fields

Innovative x-ray instrumentation for generating high magnetic fields

Diffraction, magnetic scattering, diffuse scattering, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism techniques


1993-1999   Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State, Ames, IA

Ph. D. Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (Advisor: Prof. Alan I. Goldman; Co-Advisor Prof. Paul C. Canfield)

Thesis: The interplay of long-range magnetic order and single-ion anisotropy in rare earth nickel germanide

1990-1993   Department of Physics, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN

B. S. Physics, Summa Cum Laude


2006-     Physicist, XSD
2001-2006 Asst. Physicist, XSD
1999-2001 Postdoc., Argonne
1993-1995 Teaching Asst., ISU
1991-1993 Tutor, BSU

Awards and Honors

2006-     Physicist, XSD
2001-2006 Asst. Physicist, XSD
1999-2001 Postdoc., Argonne
1993-1995 Teaching Asst., ISU
1991-1993 Tutor, BSU