APS Profile Details

XianRong Huang


OpticsX-ray Science Division



1995 PhD, Condensed Matter Physics, Nanjing University, China

1995-1997 Assistant Professor, Nanjing University

1998-2005 Research Scientist, Stony Brook University

2006-2007 Assistant Physicist, APS/ANL

2006-present, Adjunct Professor, Materials Sci. & Eng., Stony Brook Univ

2008-2009 Associate Physicist, NSLS-II/BNL

2009-present, Physicist, APS/ANL, Crystal Optics Section Leader of the Optics Group


1. J. Kim, J. Chaloupka, Y. Singh, J. W. Kim, B. J. Kim, D. Casa, A. Said, X. Huang, and T. Gog, Dynamic spin correlations in the honeycomb lattice Na2IrO3 measured by resonant inelastic x-ray scatteringPhys. Rev. X 10, 021034 (2020).

2. C. Ji, B. Li, W. Liu, J. S. Smith, A. Majumdar, W. Luo, R. Ahuja, J. Shu, J. Wang, S. Sinogeikin, Y. Meng, V. B. Prakapenka, E. Greenberg, R. Xu, X.R. Huang, W. Yang, G. Shen, W. L. Mao, and H. K. Mao, Ultrahigh-pressure isostructural electronic transitions in hydrogen, Nature 573, 558-562 (2019).

3. W.-B. Shi, L.-Z. Liu, R. Peng, D.-H. Xu, K. Zhang, H. Jing, R.-H. Fan, X.-R. Huang, Q.-J. Wang, and M. Wang, Strong localization of surface plasmon polaritons with engineered disorder, Nano Letters 2018, 1896-1902 (2018).

4. R.-H. Fan, Y. Zhou, X.-P. Ren, R.-W. Peng*, S.-C. Jiang, D.-H. Xu, X. Xiong, X.-R. Huang*, and M. Wang*, Freely Tunable Broadband Polarization Rotator for Terahertz Waves, Advanced Materials 27, 1201-1206 (2015).

5. X. R. Huang, D. P. Siddons, A. T. Macrander, R. W. Peng, and X. S. Wu, Multicavity X-Ray Fabry-Perot Resonance with Ultrahigh Resolution and Contrast, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 224801 (2012).

6. R. H. Fan , R. W. Peng, X. R. Huang, J. Li, Y. Liu, Q. Hu, M. Wang, and X. Zhang, Transparent Metals for Ultrabroadband Electromagnetic Waves, Adv. Mater. 24, 1980 (2012).

7. X. R. Huang, R. W. Peng and R. H. Fan, Making metals transparent for white light by spoof surface plasmons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 243901 (2010).

8. X.R. Huang, LauePt, a graphic-user-interface program for simulating and analyzing white-beam X-ray diffraction Laue patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 43, 926-928 (2010).

9. Yu. Shvyd’ko, S. Stoupin, A. Cunsolo, A.H. Said and X. Huang, High-reflectivity high-resolution X-ray crystal optics with diamonds, Nature Physics 6, 196-199 (2010).

10. X.R. Huang, D. R. Black, A. T. Macrander, J. Maj. Y. Chen, and M. Dudley, High-geomtrical-resolution imaging of dislocations in SiC using monochromatic synchrotron topography, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 231903 (2007).

11. X.R. Huang, J. Bai, M. Dudley, B. Wagner, R.F. Davis, Y. Zhu, Step-controlled strain relaxation in vicinal surface epitaxy of nitrides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 086101 (2005).


(1) X-ray Crystal Optics: Design, fabrication & characterization of X-ray monochromators, analyzers, and various crystal-based X-ray optics; (2) Dynamical X-ray Diffraction Theory; (3) X-ray topography imaging and phase contrast imaging; (4) Crystal growth and characterization; (5) Photonic crystals and plasmonic metamaterials


2009-present, APS/ANL, Crystal Optics Section Leader: (1) Overseeing design, fabrication & characterization of crystal optics, including novel ultrahigh-resolution IXS optics, diamond optics; (2) Diffraction physics, dynamical theory, X-ray coherence; (3) Materials characterization (SiC, GaN); (4) X-ray diffraction and scattering software development; (5) Plasmonics and Photonics

2008-2009, NSLS-II/BNL, Coordinator and leading scientist on developing sub-meV ultrahigh-resolution X-ray optics for next-generation Inelastic X-ray Scattering Spectroscopy


Awards and Honors

2009-present, APS/ANL, Crystal Optics Section Leader: (1) Overseeing design, fabrication & characterization of crystal optics, including novel ultrahigh-resolution IXS optics, diamond optics; (2) Diffraction physics, dynamical theory, X-ray coherence; (3) Materials characterization (SiC, GaN); (4) X-ray diffraction and scattering software development; (5) Plasmonics and Photonics

2008-2009, NSLS-II/BNL, Coordinator and leading scientist on developing sub-meV ultrahigh-resolution X-ray optics for next-generation Inelastic X-ray Scattering Spectroscopy