APS Profile Details

Victoria Cooley
Assistant Physicist
• X-ray Science DivisionContact
- Argonne National Laboratory
- 9700 S. Cass Ave
- Building 431 - A004
- Cell: 630-336-7596
- b305420@anl.gov
Kim, H.; Cooley, V.; Kim, E.; Li, S.; Lee, J.; Sheyfer, D.; Liu, W.; Klein, O.D.; Joester, J.; Jung, H. (2023). Adult Dental Epithelial Stem Cell-Derived Organoids Deposit Hydroxylapatite Biomineral. Int. J. Oral Sci., 15 (1).
Free, R.; DeRocher, K.; Cooley, V.; Xu, R.; Stock, S.R.S; Joester, D. (2022). Mesoscale structural gradients in human tooth enamel. PNAS, 119 (52).
Stock, S. R.; Cooley, V.; Tribuzio, C.; Li, L.; Nikitin, V.; Antipova, O. (2022). Growth bands in dogfish spines. In Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV (Vol. 12242). SPIE.
Li, M.; Cooley, V.; Nikitin, V.; Stock, S. R.; Wang, G. (2022). Metal pin artifact reduction with masked iterative nano-CT reconstruction. In Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIV (Vol. 12242). SPIE.
Cooley, V.; Stock, S. R.; Guise Jr., W.; Verma, A.; Wald, T.; Klein, O.; Joester, D. (2021). Semantic segmentation of mouse jaws using convolutional neural networks. In Developments in X-Ray Tomography XIII (Vol. 11840). SPIE.
Cooley, V.; Pouyet, E.; Cartwright, C.; Sutherland, K.; Walton, M. (2019). Scientific and Art Historical Analysis: A Portrait of a Young Girl. In Portrait of a Child from Roman Egypt: Perspectives on the Examination, Analysis, and Research of a Portrait Mummy. Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University.
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering with certificate in Biotechnology, 2023.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, B.S. in Chemistry with minor in African Studies, 2017.
2023 - present, Assistant Physicist, Materials Physics and Engineering Group, Argonne National Laboratory.
2019 - 2023, Ph.D. Candidate, Joester Group, Northwestern University.
2017 - 2019, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts, Northwestern University.
2015 - 2017 Operations Assistant, Waisman Biomanufacturing, UW-Madison.
2015 Research Intern, Technical Division, Fermilab.
2014 Research Assistant, Organosilicon Research Center, UW-Madison.
2023 - present, Assistant Physicist, Materials Physics and Engineering Group, Argonne National Laboratory.
2019 - 2023, Ph.D. Candidate, Joester Group, Northwestern University.
2017 - 2019, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts, Northwestern University.
2015 - 2017 Operations Assistant, Waisman Biomanufacturing, UW-Madison.
2015 Research Intern, Technical Division, Fermilab.
2014 Research Assistant, Organosilicon Research Center, UW-Madison.