APS Profile Details

Si Chen


MicroscopyX-ray Science Division



Z. Di, S. Chen, Y.P. Hong, C. Jacobsen, S. Leyffer, and S. Wild, “Joint reconstruction of x-ray fluorescence and transmission tomography”, Optics Express, 25(12), 13107-24 (2017).

J. Deng, D. Vine, S. Chen, Q. Jin, Y. SG Nashed, T. Peterka, S. Vogt, and C. Jacobsen, “X-ray ptychographic and fluorescence microscopy of frozen-hydrated cells using continuous scanning", Scientific Reports, 7:445 (2017).

Q. Jin, T. Paunesku, B. Lai, S.-C. Gleber, S. Chen, L. Finny, D. Vine, S. Vogt, G.Woloschak, and C. Jacobsen, “Preserving elemental content in adherent mammalian cells for analysis by synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy”, Journal of Microscopy, 265, 81-93 (2017).

G. Kirker, S. Zelinka, S.-C. Gleber, D. Vine, L. Finney, S. Chen, Y. P. Hong, O. Uyarte, S. Vogt, J. Jellison, B. Goodell, and J. Jakes, “Synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy enables multiscale spatial visualization of ions involved in fungal lignocellulose deconstruction”, Scientific Reports, 7:41798 (2017).

T. Dučić, E. Carboni, B. Lai, S. Chen, B. Michalke, D. F. Lázaro, T. F. Outeiro, M, Bähr, E. Barski, and P. Lingor, “Alpha-Synuclein Rgulates Neuronal Levels of Manganese and Calcium”, ACS Chem Neurosci, 6 (10), 1769–1779 (2015).

J. Deng, Y. S. G. Nashed, S. Chen, N. W. Phillips, T. Peterka, R. Ross, S. Vogt, C. Jacobsen, and D. Vine, “Continuous Motion Scan Ptychography: Characterization for Increased Speed in Coherent X-ray Imaging”, Optics Express, 23(5), 5438-14 (2015).

E. Que, R. Bleher, F. Duncan, B. Kong, S.-C. Gleber, S. Vogt, S. Chen, S. Garwin, A. Bayer, V. Dravid, T. Woodruff, and T. O’Halloran, “Quantitative Mapping of Zinc Fluxes in the Mammalian Egg Reveals the Origin of Fertilization-induced Zinc Sparks”, Nature Chemistry, 7, 130-139 (2015).

J. Deng, D. Vine, S. Chen, Y. S. G. Nashed, Q. Jin, N. W. Phillips, T. Peterka, R. Ross, S. Vogt, and C. Jacobsen, “Simultaneous Cryo X-ray Ptychographic and Fluorescence Microscopy of Green Algae”, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(8), 2314-19 (2015).

S. Chen, J. Deng, Y. Yuan, C. Flachenecker, R. Mak, B. Hornberger, Q. Jin, D. Shu, B. Lai, J. Maser, C. Roehrig, T. Paunesku, S.-C. Gleber, D.J. Vine, L. Finney, J. VonOsinski, M. Bolbat, I. Spink, Z. Chen, J. Steele, D. Trapp, J. Irwin, M. Feser, E. Snyder, K. Brister, C. Jacobsen, G. Woloschak, and S. Vogt, “The Bionanoprobe: Hard X-ray Fluorescence Nanoprobe with Cryogenic Capabilities”, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 21, 66-75 (2014).

Y. Yuan, S. Chen, T. Paunesku, S.-C. Gleber, W. Liu, C.B. Doty, R. Mak, J. Deng, Q. Jin, B. Lai, K. Brister, C. Flachenecker, C. Jacobsen, S. Vogt, and G. Woloschak, “EGFR Targeted Nuclear Delivery and High Resolution Whole Cell Hard X-ray Imaging of Fe3O4@TiO2 Nanoparticles in Cancer Cells”, ACS Nano, 7(12), 10502-10507 (2013).

S. Chen, I. Baker, and H. J. Frost, “Surface Instability and Mass Transfer during the Bonding of Ice Spheres”, Philosophical Magazine, 93(23), 3177-3193 (2013).

M. Nikiforov, B. Lai, W. Chen, S. Chen, R. Schaller, J. Strzlka, J. Maser, and S. Darling, “Detection and Role of Trace Impurities in High-performance Organic Solar Cells”, Energy & Environmental Science, 6(5), 1513-1520 (2013).

S. Chen and I. Baker, “Evolution of Individual Snowflakes during Metamorphism”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D21114 (2010).


1/2011 Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA

Doctor of Philosophy, Materials Science and Engineering

6/2006  Nankai University, China

Bachelor of Engineering, Electric Information Science and Technology