APS Profile Details

Sarvjit Shastri


Materials Physics and EngineeringX-ray Science Division


  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • 9700 S. Cass Ave
  • Building 431 - A005
  • (630) 252-0129
  • -/-

Please see Sarvjit Shastri's Argonne profile for more information and selected publications.

After receiving a B.S. from Caltech, Sarvjit Shastri obtained a Ph.D. in applied physics from Cornell University in 1994 for synchrotron radiation research on x-ray polarization optics and nuclear resonant scattering, conducted at CHESS (Cornell) and NSLS (Brookhaven). Since then, he has been at Argonne’s APS, developing high-energy (50–150 keV) x-ray optics and scattering methods. Shastri has also worked on optics simulations for short-pulsed x-ray sources such as x-ray free-electron lasers (XFELS). Currently, he directs a significant part of his time towards the APS-Upgrade project’s High-Energy X-Ray Microscope (HEXM) long beamline.