APS Profile Details

Jorg Maser
Microscopy • X-ray Science DivisionContact
- Argonne National Laboratory
- 9700 S. Cass Ave
- Building 444 - B105
- (630) 252-1091
- Cell: 708 790 1133
- maser@anl.gov
Jörg received his PhD from the University of Göttingen/Germany in 1994. He pursued postdoctoral studies with J. Kirz at SUNY Stony Brook, developing cryogenic x-ray microscopy for the study of soft matter.
Jörg joined APS in 1997, where he applied x-ray fluorescence microscopy to biological, environmental and materials science. Between 2001 and 2010, Jörg led the development of the CNM/APS Hard X-ray Nanoprobe beamline, and implemented a scientific program in materials and nanoscience. He co-developed Multilayer Laue Lenses as highest resolution hard x-ray focusing optics.
Jörg's research focuses on in-situ and operando studies of advanced energy materials and devices, using both imaging and diffraction. Jörg is responsible for development of the In-Situ Nanoprobe beamline at APS, and shares operation of the Bragg Coherent Diffraction beamline at APS.
Andrej Singer, Andrew Ulvestad, Hyung-Man Cho, Jong Woo Kim, Jörg Maser, Ross Harder, Ying Shirley Meng, Oleg G. Shpyrko, "Nonequilibrium Structural Dynamics of Nanoparticles in LiNi1/2Mn3/2O4 Cathode under Operando Conditions," Nano Lett. 14 (9), 5295-5300 (2014).
Andrew Ulvestad, Andrej Singer, Hyung-Man Cho, Jesse N. Clark, Ross Harder, Jorg Maser, Ying Shirley Meng, Oleg G. Shpyrko, "Single Particle Nanomechanics in Operando Batteries via Lensless Strain Mapping," Nano Lett. 14 (9), 5123-5127 (2014).
- M. P. Nikiforov, B. Lai, W. Chen, S. Chen, R. D. Schaller, J. Strzalka, J. Maser and S. B. Darling. Detection and role of trace impurities in high-performance organic solar cells. Energy Environ. Sci., 6 1513, (2013).
- R. Winarski, M. V. Holt, V. Rose, P. Fuesz, D. Carbaugh, C. Benson, D. Shu, D. Kline, G. B. Stephenson, I. McNulty, J. Maser, "A hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline for nanoscale microscopy," J. Synchrotron Rad. 19 (6), 19 (2012).
- M. I. Bertoni, D. P. Fenning, M. Rinio, V. Rose, M. Holt, J. Maser and T. Buonassisi. Nanoprobe X-ray fluorescence characterization of defects in large-area solar cells. Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 4252-4257.
- H. Yan, V. Rose, D. Shu, E. Lima, H. C. Kang, R. Conley, C. Liu, N. Jahedi, A. T. Macrander, G. B. Stephenson, M. Holt, Y. S.Chu, M. Lu, J. Maser. Two dimensional hard x-ray nanofocusing with crossed multilayer Laue lenses. Opt. Express 19, 15069-15076 (2011).
- J. Y. Jo, P. Chen, R. J. Sichel, S-H. Baek, R. T. Smith, N. Balke, S. V. Kalinin, M. V. Holt, J. Maser, K. Evans-Lutterodt, C.-B. Eom, Structural Consequences of Ferroelectric Nanolithography. Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (8), pp 3080–3084.
- C. E. Murray, A. Ying, S. M. Polvino, I. C. Noyan, M. Holt, and J. Maser. Nanoscale silicon-on-insulator deformation induced by stressed liner structures. J. Appl. Phys. 109, 083543 (2011).
- S. O. Hruszkewycz, M. V. Holt, A. Tripathi, J. Maser, and P. H. Fuoss. Framework for three-dimensional coherent diffraction imaging by focused beam x-ray Bragg ptychography. Optics Letters, Vol. 36, Issue 12, pp. 2227-2229 (2011).
- H. Yan, J. Maser, A. Macrander, Q. Shen, S. Vogt, G. B. Stephenson, H. C. Kang, Focusing of hard x-rays to 16 nanometers with a multilayer Laue lens. Phys. Rev. B 76, 115438-1-115438-13 (2007).
- H.C. Kang, J. Maser, G.B. Stephenson, C. Liu, R. Conley, A.T. Macrander, S. Vogt, Nanometer linear focusing of hard x-rays by a Multilayer Laue Lens. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, March, 127401-1-127401-4 (2006).
- United States Patent 7,331,714
- United States Patent 7,440,546
- United States Patent 7,597,475
- United States Patent 8,089,199
Scientific application of hard X-ray microscopy to materials science, energy systems, biomedical science.
Develop frontier X-ray techniques: Hard X-ray Nanoprobes, Multilayer Laue optics, In-situ techniques.
Dynamic X-ray diffraction.
Dr. rer. nat (Ph.D.), Department of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Göttingen, Germany, 1994.
Diplom Physiker (MS diploma, physics), Department of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Göttingen,Germany, 1990.
2002 - current: Physicist, X-ray Science Division, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
1997 - 2002: Assistant Physicist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
2011 - current: Lead Scientist, In Situ Nanoprobe Beamline
2008 - 2010: Sector Manager, APS Sector 26 (CNM/APS Nanoprobe Beamline)
2007: Acting Group Leader, CNM X-ray Microscopy Group
2003 - 2007: Technical Lead, Hard X-ray Nanoprobe Beamline, CNM Project.
1997 - 2003: Lead Scientist, APS Sector 2-ID-E Microprobe.
1994 - 1997: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Feodor Lynen Fellow
1991 - 1992: Research Assistant, Center for X-ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
2002 - current: Physicist, X-ray Science Division, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
1997 - 2002: Assistant Physicist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
2011 - current: Lead Scientist, In Situ Nanoprobe Beamline
2008 - 2010: Sector Manager, APS Sector 26 (CNM/APS Nanoprobe Beamline)
2007: Acting Group Leader, CNM X-ray Microscopy Group
2003 - 2007: Technical Lead, Hard X-ray Nanoprobe Beamline, CNM Project.
1997 - 2003: Lead Scientist, APS Sector 2-ID-E Microprobe.
1994 - 1997: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Feodor Lynen Fellow
1991 - 1992: Research Assistant, Center for X-ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Invited Talks
More than 60 invited talks at national and international meetings, workshops, colloquia, seminars.
Advisory/Review Committees
Beamline advisory committee for Micro/Nanofocusing Beamline at PETRA III (Hamburg)
Expert, micro/Nanoprobe beamline, Soleil.
Reviewer, NSLSII Project, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Chair, review panel for the ID21/22 beamline, ESRF, Grenoble, France.