APS Profile Details

Jonathan Almer

Physicist and Group Leader

Materials Physics and EngineeringX-ray Science Division



Shui, JL, J.S. Okasinksi, P. Kenesei, H.A. Dobbs, D. Zhao, J.D. Almer and D.J.Liu, "Reversibility of Anodic Lithium in Rechargable Lithium-Oxygen Batteries", Nat. Communications, 4, 2255 (2013).

Sun, Y.G., Y. Ren, D.R. Haeffner and J.Almer, “Nanophase Evolution at Semiconductor/Electrolyte Interface in Situ Probed by Time-Resolved High-Energy Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction,” Nano Letters, 10(9): p. 3747-3753 (2010).

Pan, X., X. Wu, X. Chen, J.Almer and J. Stubbins, “Temperature and particle size effects on flow localization of 9-12%Cr ferritic/martensitic steel by in situ X-ray diffraction and small angle scattering,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, 398(1-3): p. 220-226 (2010).

Liu, D.J. and J. Almer, “Phase and strain distributions associated with reactive contaminants inside of a solid oxide fuel cell”, Applied Physics Letters 94(22), (2009).

Akhtar, R., M.R. Daymond, J.D. Almer and P. Mummery, “Load transfer in bovine plexiform bone determined by synchrotron x-ray diffraction”, Journal of Materials Research, 23(2), pp. 543-550 (2008).

Stock, S.R., F. DeCarlo and J. Almer, “High-energy X-ray scattering tomography applied to bone”, Journal of Structural Biology, 161(2), pp. 144-150 (2008).

Jensen, H., M. Bremholm, R.P. Nielsen, K.D. Joensen, J.S. Pedersen, H. Birkedal, Y.S. Chen, J. Almer, E.G. Sogaard, S.B. Iversen, and B.B. Iversen, “In situ high-energy synchrotron radiation study of sol-gel nanoparticle formation in supercritical fluids”. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 46(7): p. 1113-1116 (2007).

Jakobsen, B., H.F. Poulsen, U. Lienert, J. Almer, S.D. Shastri, H.O. Sorensen, C. Gundlach, and W. Pantleon, "Formation and subdivision of deformation structures during plastic deformation", Science, 312(5775), pp. 889-892 (2006).

Hufnagel, T.C., R.T. Ott, and J. Almer, "Structural aspects of elastic deformation of a metallic glass", Physical Review B, 73(6), pp. 64204-1-8 (2006).

Almer, J. and S. Stock, "Internal strains and stresses measured in cortical bone via high-energy x-ray diffraction", Journal of Structural Biology, 152, pp. 14-27 (2005).

Almer, J.D., J.B. Cohen, and R.A. Winholtz, "The effects of residual macrostresses and microstresses on fatigue crack propagation", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science), 29A(8), pp. 2127-36 (1998).


Development of in situ environments and associated x-ray scattering techniques

Understanding microstructure, strain and texture effects on material properties

Wear- and thermal-resistant coatings

Natural (bone) and synthetic composites

Batteries and fuel cells


Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Ph.D., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 1998.

North Park University, Chicago, IL.  B.S. in Physics with minor concentration in English. Summa cum laude, 1991.

2009-pres; Group Leader, Materials Physics and Engineering Group, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
2007-pres; Physicist, ANL.
2003-2007; Assistant Physicist, ANL.
2000-2003; Postdoc, ANL.
1999-2000; Instructor and Postdoc, Linkoping University, Sweden.
1991-1992; Research assistant, Mat. Tech. Div., ANL.
Awards and Honors
2009-pres; Group Leader, Materials Physics and Engineering Group, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
2007-pres; Physicist, ANL.
2003-2007; Assistant Physicist, ANL.
2000-2003; Postdoc, ANL.
1999-2000; Instructor and Postdoc, Linkoping University, Sweden.
1991-1992; Research assistant, Mat. Tech. Div., ANL.