APS Profile Details

Chihpin Chuang


Materials Physics and EngineeringX-ray Science Division



Andrew (Chihpin) Chuang, Ph.D., is a physicist in Materials Physics & Engineering group in X-ray Science division of Advanced Photon Source. His research focus on using synchrotron X-ray based scattering and imaging techniques to study the structure-property relationship of engineering alloys under in-service conditions.  These techniques include radiography, tomography and diffraction microscopy using both monochromatic and polychromatic (white beam) high-energy X-rays from the APS.


Andrew’s interests include developing non-conventional X-ray apparatuses to study material behavior under non-equilibrium, extreme conditions, such as laser additive manufacturing (AM) processes. He leads the development of a high-speed diffraction setup at the 1-ID beamline to enable this work.