APS Profile Details

Barry Lai


MicroscopyX-ray Science Division


  • 1990-1992: Postdoctoral, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory

  • 1992-1997: Assistant Physicist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory

  • 1997-present: Physicist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory


1.      M. P. Jensen, D. Gorman-Lewis, B. Aryal, T. Paunesku, S. Vogt, P. G. Rickert, S. Seifert, B. Lai, G. E. Woloschak, L. Soderholm, An iron-dependent and transferrin-mediated cellular uptake pathway for plutonium, Nat. Chem. Biol., published online June 26, 2011. DOI:10.1038/nchembio.594

2.      S. Hudelson, B. K. Newman, S. Bernardis, D. P. Fenning, M. I. Bertoni, M. A. Marcus, S. C. Fakra, B. Lai, T. Buonassisi, Retrograde Melting and Internal Liquid Gettering in Silicon, Adv. Mater. 22 (35), 3948-3953 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/adma.200904344

3.      Y. Kashiv, A. M. Davis, R. Gallino, Z. Cai, B. Lai, S. R. Sutton, and R. N. Clayton, Extinct 93Zr in single presolar SiC grains from low mass asymptotic giant branch stars and condensation from Zr-depleted gas, Astrophysical J. 713, 212-219 (2010).

4.     K. G. Chen, R. D. Leapman, G. Zhang, B. Lai, J. C. Valencia, C. O. Cardarelli, W. D. Vieira, V. J. Hearing, M. M. Gottesman, Influence of Melanosome Dynamics on Melanoma Drug Sensitivity, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 101 (18), 1259-1271 (2009). DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djp259

5.      M. J. Daly, E. K. Gaidamakova, V. Y. Matrosova, A. Vasilenko, M. Zhai, R. D. Leapman, B. Lai, B. Ravel, S-M W. Li, K. M. Kemner, J. K. Fredrickson, Protein Oxidation Implicated as the Primary Determinant of Bacterial Radioresistance, PLoS Biol. 5 (4), 769-779 (2007).

6.      K.G. Chen, J.C. Valencia, B. Lai, G. Zhang, J.K. Paterson, W. Berens, S.M. Wincovitch, S.H. Garfield, R.D. Leapman, V.J. Hearing, and M.M. Gottesman,  Melanosomal sequestration of cytotoxic drugs contributes to the intractability of malignant melanomas, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 103, 9903-9907 (2006).

7.      L. Yang, R. McRae, M. M. Henary, R. Patel, B. Lai, S. Vogt, C. J. Fahrni, Imaging of the intracellular topography of copper with a fluorescent sensor and by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence microscopy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 11179-11184 (2005).

8.      T. Buonassisi, A. A. Istratov, M. A. Marcus, B. Lai, Z. Cai, S. M. Heald, E. R. Weber, Engineering metal-impurity nanodefects for low-cost solar cells, Nature Materials 4, 676-679 (2005).

9.      K. M. Kemner, S. D. Kelly, B. Lai, J. Maser, E. J. O'Loughlin, D. Sholto-Douglas, Z. Cai, M. A. Schneegurt, C. F. Kulpa, Jr., K. H. Nealson, Elemental and Redox Analysis of Single Bacterial Cells by X-ray Microbeam Analysis, Science 306, 686-687 (2004).

10.     T. Paunesku, T. Rajh, G. Wiederrecht, J. Maser, S. Vogt, N. Stojicevic, M. Protic, B. Lai, J. Oryhon, M. Thurnauer, G. Woloschak, Biology of TiO2-oligonucleotide Nanocomposites, Nature Materials 2, 343-346 (2003).

  • X-ray microscopy and imaging, particularly technique and instrumentation for x-ray fluorescence micro/nanoprobe

  • Develop x-ray microscopy applications in life, materials, environmental, and energy science

  • Synchrotron x-ray and beamline optics

  • Ph. D., Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1990).

  • B. S., Physics and Mathematics, Illinois State University (1983).


Lead Scientist of Beamline 2-ID-D, responsible for operation, scientific program, and user support

Developed high impact applications and user communities of the x-ray fluorescence microscopy program in materials, environmental, and especially, biomedical science

Developed Beamline 2-BM and 2-ID

Developed the Monte Carlo ray-tracing program SHADOW

Awards and Honors

Lead Scientist of Beamline 2-ID-D, responsible for operation, scientific program, and user support

Developed high impact applications and user communities of the x-ray fluorescence microscopy program in materials, environmental, and especially, biomedical science

Developed Beamline 2-BM and 2-ID

Developed the Monte Carlo ray-tracing program SHADOW



  • Ad hoc reviewer in 2009 for the Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI/NIH).

  • Reviewer on NIH IMST Study Section 2011/10 EBIT: Enabling Bioanalytical and Imaging Technologies

  • Proposal Review Panel for the Advanced Photon Source (Argonne National Lab) and National Synchrotron Light Source (Brookhaven National Lab).

  • Co-Chair of the Tenth International X-Ray Microscopy Conference XRM2010.


“Optomechanical structure for a multifunctional hard x-ray nanoprobe instrument” with D. Shu, J. Maser, B. Lai, S. Vogt, M. Holt, C. Preissner, R. Winarski, G.B. Stephenson (US Patent 7331714)