Users Meeting FAQs

Q: How will I get my gate pass for access to the laboratory?

A: For non-Argonne attendees, you must complete the Argonne Visitor Registration form a minimum of 14 days BEFORE YOU TRAVEL so a gate pass will be processed for your visit to Argonne. The link to this form is included in the confirmation e-mail that you will receive after you complete your online registration. CLICK HERE to visit the form now.

You can pick up your gate pass at the Argonne Welcome Center during normal business hours or at the Guard House at the Main Gate during weekends or off-hours.

Review Argonne's site access requirements in advance of the meeting.

Q: What are the Users Meeting fees?

A: Fees for the 2025 Users Meeting are as follows:

  • General Attendee Registration: $225
  • Student Registration: $50
  • Vendor Registration (base fee): $2,200 ($500 for non-attending)
  • Invited Speakers: Fee waived
  • Optional: Lunch (available Monday-Thursday): $16 per day
  • Optional: Meeting Banquet (Monday evening): $55
Q: How do I submit my abstract?

Poster Session Abstract

A: Abstracts for the poster session are submitted through your Users Meeting online registration. Using your meeting registration confirmation number, access your registration record and go to the Poster Session Information page. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and use the Upload file button. 

Please reference the Abstract Style Guide and the Poster Style Guide for document guidelines. Only .DOC  files will be accepted. Use only alphanumeric characters in the file name. Graphics are not permissible.

Invited Speaker Abstract

A: Abstracts for invited speakers are submitted in your Users Meeting online registration. At the bottom of the Personal Information page, you will be asked to identify the session at which you have been invited to speak (e.g., workshop or plenary session) from a pull-down menu. Then use the Upload file button.

Please reference the Abstract Style Guide for document guidelines. Only .DOC files will be accepted. Use only alphanumeric characters in the file name. Graphics are not permissible.

Late Abstract Submission

A: You can return to your Users Meeting online record and click on "View or Change Your Existing Registration." From there, you can use your meeting registration confirmation number to access your registration record. Go to the Personal Information page. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will be asked to identify the session at which you have been invited to speak (e.g., workshop or plenary session) from a pull-down menu. Then use the Upload file button.

Q: Can I change my registration information if I need to?
A: Yes. You can return to your Users Meeting online record any time and click on "View or Change Your Existing Registration." From there, you can use your meeting registration confirmation number to access your registration record, update or change your information, upload an abstract, or print a receipt of your registration for your records.
Q: How can I pay for my registration fee(s) using the Argonne XINK system?

A: Argonne employees can pay their Users Meeting registration fee(s) using the XINK system. This system is on MyArgonne and requires your ANL user name and password.

At the top of the page where it says "Find a Form," type in “936” and select the ANL-936 Internal Meeting Registration from the dropdown. Complete the form, choosing the appropriate payment type (e.g., registration only, registration plus short course, etc.) from the pull-down menu called “Conference Information.”

You can fill out the XINK payment system for one or more people at time. You will need to provide an appropriate cost code for your fee(s).

Q: How should Argonne employees pay for lunch or banquet tickets?
A: Argonne employees must pay for their Users Meeting lunch and/or banquet tickets using a personal credit card via the secure payment option on the Checkout page of the online registration form. These fees are not eligible for reimbursement.
Q: What is the refund policy?

A: The refund policies are as follows:

  • Students receive 100% of their registration fee when they cancel.
  • General Attendees receive a refund of their registration fee, minus a $75 cancellation fee.
  • Exhibitors are not eligible for refunds.
  • No meal tickets (e.g., lunch or banquet) are eligible for refunds. You are allowed to give your tickets to colleagues.


For any additional questions, please contact Kim Toerpe, Advanced Photon Source User Office, (630) 252-9090,


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