Hosting 101

I-HOST -- How to Find out Who you Hosted and When!

This web page is designed provide a resource for answers to frequently asked questions about foreign visits and assignments requirements.  It also contains a link to I-HOST, a tool to enable hosts to easily identify the "who, when, and where" of experimenters and visitors they've hosted. 

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has established guidelines and requirements regarding foreign visits and assignments and has issued DOE Order 142.3B as guidance.  Argonne is required to follow this Order.  The Order allows for two types of applications, visit requests and assignment requests:

  • The visit category is used for access requests for less than 30 days for individuals such as attendees or speakers at a meeting/conference, family members, traveling companions, or tour group members.
  • The assignment category is typically used for individuals conducting hands-on research at the APS or individuals who will have a long-term affiliation with the APS and will require intermittent or continuous access over a time span of up to two years.

The Order organizes foreign nationals into three categories (see below) and specifies what actions are required before a foreign national can obtain on-site and/or remote computer/cyber access to the laboratory. 

  • Non-sensitive (e.g., Japan, England, Germany, etc.),
  • Sensitive (e.g., China, Russia, and Israel, etc.), and
  • State Sponsors of Terrorism -- SSTs (designation currently applies to people who are citizens of or were born in Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and Syria).


Reporting Suspicious Behavior
All suspicious behavior or attempts to solicit information outside the stated scope or intent of the visit/assignment should be immediately reported to the Argonne Counterintelligence Office. If you suspect a visitor has a hidden agenda, or if you observe any suspicious behavior, contact your counterintelligence officer. Also report any attempts to probe for information, efforts to put you in a compromising situation, and any other anomalous behaviors.
  • During business hours, please call the User Program Office at 630-252-9090.
  • During non-business hours, please call Argonne Security at 630-252-5731.
  • Link to Host training.


To comment on the contents, please contact or 630-252-9090.